Mullinahone, small market town, Kilvemnon par., E. co. Tipperary, 6 miles SAV. of Callan and 9 miles NE. of Fethard ry. sta., pop. 733; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank. Market-day, Monday.
Mull inn vat, vil. with ry. sta., Kilbeacon par., S. co. Kilkenny, on river Blackwater, 8 miles N. of Waterford, pop. 399; P.O.
Mullingar, market and co. town, par., and town- ship with ry. sta., mid. co. Westmeath, on Royal Canal and river Brosna, 50 miles NAV. of Dublin—par., 21,048 ac., pop. 8153; township, 1376 ac., pop. 4787; P.O., T.O., 3 Banks, 1 newspaper. Market-day, Thurs- day. Mullingar is an important centre of trade, and has extensive infantry barracks.
Mullion, par. and vil., Cornwall, 5% miles N. of Lizard Head and 6% miles S. of Helston, 5015 ac., pop. 607; P.O.; Mullion Cove (or Portlimnllin) has a re- markably fine cave; about 1 mile off shore is Mullion Island, and to the left is Mullion Gull Rock.
Mullock Cleevaun, mountain, 6 miles SE. of Bless- ington, N. co. Wicklow, alt. 2783 ft.
Mullochiuore, hill, N. co. Westmeath, on E. side of Lough Sheelin, alt. 849 ft.
Mnllyask Hills, co. Monaghan, greatest alt. 1034 ft.
Mullyrodden, 4 m. from Dungannon, co. Tyrone; P.O.
Mulrankln, par., in co. and 7 miles SAV. of AVex- ford, 2433 ac., pop. 791.
Muirany, 11 m. from Newport, AV. co. Mayo; P.O.
Mulrath, hill, near Lough Arrow, E. co. Sligo, 740 ft.
Mulroy Bay, between Sheep Haven and Lough Swilly, N. co. Donegal; 13 miles long by from % mile to 2 miles broad.
Muliyfarnliam, par. and vil. with ry. sta., N. co. Westmeath, 7% miles NAV. of Mullingar—par., 3973 ac., pop. 762; vil., pop. 272; P.O.; has ruins of an abbey (1236) with steeple 90 ft. high.
Mulwilh, Yorkshire. See Newby with Mulwith.
Mumbles, vil. with ry. sta., Oystermouth par., Gla- morgan, on AV. side of Swansea Bay, 5 miles SW. of Swansea, P.O., T.O.; is a much-frequented watering- place, and has a large oyster-fishery; the cliffs at AV. extremity of Swansea Bay terminate in two large rocky islets, called Mumbles Head, within which is a good roadstead; on outer islet is Mumbles Lighthouse, 56 ft. high, with fixed light 114 ft. above high water and seen 15 miles.
Mumbles Boad, ry. sta., Glamorgan, 1% mile N. of Mumbles sta.
Mumby, par. and vil., Lincolnshire, 4 miles SE. of Alford, 2620 ac., pop. 639; P.O.
Muncaster, par. and vil. with ry. sta., Cumberland, on river Esk—par. (containing Ravenglass), 6496 ac., pop. 638; the sta. is 1% mile E. of Ravenglass; Muncas- ter was a Roman station; Muncaster Castle is the seat of Lord Muncaster; the old castle is now a ruin ; Mun- caster Fell is 757 ft. high.
Munches, seat, Buittle par., Kirkcudbrightshire, on Urr Water, 2 miles S. of Dalbeattie.
Muncraig, headland, Borgue par., Kirkcudbright- shire, alt. 200 ft.
Munden, Great, par., Herts, 6% miles N. of Ware, 3402 ac., pop. 439; Rownea Nunnery was founded here in time of Henry II.
Munden, Little (or Munden Frewell), par. and vil., Herts, 2 m. SAV. of Great Munden, 2247 ac., pop. 468.
Munden Furnlval, hamlet, Great Munden par., Herts, 3% miles SAV. of Buntingford.
Mundesley, 5 miles NE. of North Walsham, Norfolk; p.o. See Mundsley.
Mnndford, par. and vil., Norfolk, on river Wissey, 4% miles NE. of Brandon, 2050 ac., pop. 285; P.O., T.o.
Mundham, par. and vil., Norfolk, 5% miles N. of Bungay, 1547 ac., pop. 295.
Mundham, North, par. and vil., Sussex, on Arundel and Portsmouth Canal, 2 miles SE. of Chichester, 1892 ac., pop. 401; P.O.
Mundham, South, vil., Pagham par., Sussex, 1% mile S. of North Mundham.
Mnndon, par. and vil., Essex, 3% m. SE. of Maldon, 3107 ac., pop. 320; P.O.; near vil. is Mnndon Hall, seat.
Mundsley, coast, par. and vil., Norfolk, 5 miles NE. of North Walsham, 674 ac. (100 water), pop. 377; P.O., called Mundesley; is a small port, a fishing village, a coastguard station, and a quiet watering-place, with excellent sands for bathing; bones of elephants, &c., have been found.
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