tion of the Andes of the southern division, from the 15th to about the 40th deg. of N. lat. is called the Cordilleras, and more northerly the Rocky Mountains, the greatest altitude is in N. lat. about 19. where Popocatepetl issues forth volcanic eruptions at a height of 17,720 ft. above the level of the sea. Another range of mountains runs parallel with the eastern or Atlantic coast, from about the 35th to the 45th deg. of N. lat. diverg- ing into several distinct and parallel ridges design- ated as the White, Green, Catskill, Blue, Allegha- ny, Laurel and Cumberland mountains, and collec- tively they are called the Apalachian Mountains. Their altitude does not exceed 6,500 ft. above the level of the sea.
On the discovery of this vast territory, at the periods previously stated, it was found, to the N. of the 30th deg. of lat. to be thinly populated with inhabitants, and except the Esquimaux at the more northern part, possessing one common character, and speaking one common language, though somewhat varied in dialect. In person, tall and well-proportioned; complexion coppery,
Bay. In many parts of the United States they exist in great abundance and are taken in vast numbers for their flesh and fur; they do great
with long, straight, and somewhat coarse, black hair, localized into various tribes or communities, none of whom were found to have made any, or very little progress in the arts which contribute to the comfort of life ; spears and arrows being their only instruments of defence, of attack, and subsistence, whilst skins, mats, and the coarsest ?.loth of reeds, grass, or hemp, constituted their chief clothing and protection from the inclemen- cy of the weather. They were nevertheless found possessing many manly qualities, and social virtues, ointil corrupted and debased by the vi- cious refinements of their invaders, before whom they have receded as from a pestilence.
In America, as in all other regions of the world, the animal tribes bear a proportion both in number and size, to the extent of the country which has given them birth. The musk, or the North American bison, and the Mageleanic os- trich of South America, equal in size their cor- responding species of the old world. The elk or stag of New California, attains a gigantic magni- tude. The moose is found from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and is sometimes 12 feet high. The elk and red deer are inhabitants of the United States. The white, black, and grizzly bear are common in various parts. The wolf and the cougar, or catamount, are widely distributed. Foxes and squirrels are abundant The hare of America, improperly called rabbit, is found as' far North as Hudsons mischief to the farmers. The beavers are still numerous in the Nortn and West. Most of the animals of America form particular species, or at least distinct races from those of Europe, and are evidently aboriginal in the country which they inhabit. |
In the plains between the Apalachian and Rocky Mountains, fossil bones of animals have been found far exceeding in size those of any known animal now existing, or ever known. Neither the elephant, lion, tiger, leopard, nor hy- ena have ever been found in America.
The birds of America are not, as absurdly sta- ted by Buffon, inferior to their kindred species of the old world. The Washington or great sea ea- gle, a native of the United States, is the noblest of his tribe. The bald eagle is distributed over nearly ttlie whole continent Vultures and hawks of many species are common. The passenger pi- geons in countless millions obscure the heavens with their flocks, and wherever they direct their flight it may be said to xe2x80x98 snow of meat. The wild geese and ducks pass along the whole extent of the continent in their periodical migrations. The robin and blue bird court the society of man, and in the colder districts are the earliest harbin-
fers of spring. The oriole, the woodpecker, the lue jay, the cardinal and the tanager, adorn the woods with their brilliant plumage; while the unrivalled mocking-bird makes the forest echo with his thousand melodious and varied notes. The deep woods and swamps of the West still
afford a retreat to the wild turkey, once commo* all over the United States.
Insects and reptiles are of course larger and more abundant in the southern than in the north era part of this country. Little incommodity i suffered from insects in the temperate portions. In the south the moschetoes are very annoying. Bees are numerous in the woods of the west, and the people who go into the forests to collect honey return vith waggon loads. Locusts are unknown, |