Aylesbury, ducks are reared very early in the spring, and sometimes at Christmas, which being sent to London, sell at high price. The only manufactures of consequence in this county are those of bonelace and paper. The former is car- ried on at Olney, Newport-Pagncll, and Han- slope, and the latter principally in the neighbour- hood of Wycomb. At Amersham there is a manufacture of sacking and of white cotton goods ; and at Marlow7 are some large works of copper, brass, and brass-wire ; and mills for making thim- bles and pressing rape and linseed. This county is adorned with several magnificent seats, and in various parts Roman roads- and military stations are traced, and Roman antiquities have been occasionally discovered. The principal towns are Aylesbury, Buckingham, Marlow; and of a secondary class, Amersham, Wycomb, and Wendovcr ; each of which returns twin members to parliament, in addition to tw7o for the county.
Buckingham, a borough, and one of the prin- cipal towns in the preceding county, is situate on the north bank of the Ouse, by which it is nearly surrounded, and over which there are three bridges. It is a place of considerable an- tiquity, having been fortified by Edward the Elder in 918, against the incursions of the Danes. It had formerly a castle in the centre of the town, on the site of which, towards the close of the last century, an elegant new church was erected. The summer assizes for the county are held here. The town hall is a spacious edifice of brick. A great number of calves are fattened, and large quantities of butter made for the London market in this part of the county : lace is also made here. Market on Saturday. Pop. in 1821, including four ad- joining hamlets, 3,465,16 m. north of Aylesbury, 26 N. E. of Oxford, 23 S. W of Northampton, and 55 N. of London.
Buckingham, an interior county in the E. district of Virginia, forming nearly a square, the west and north sides of which are bounded by James River. Pop. 18,351. The court-house, in the centre of the county is 64 m. AV. of Richmond. Also the name of three towns in Pa.
Buckinghamshire, a county of Lower Canada, m the district of Trois Rivieres, on the south bank of the St. Lawrence.
Buckland, ph. Franklin Co. Mass. 105 m. W. N. W. Boston. Pop. 1,039.
Bucks, a frontier county in the E. district of the state of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north- east and south-east by the Delaware River, which divides it from New Jersey, and on the south-west by Montgomery county, the south-west corner jetting upon Philadelphia. Population, 45,740. Bristol, the chief towin, in the south-east part of the county, on the bank of the Delaw7are, is 142 m. E. of Harrisburg, and 18 N. E. of Philadel- phia.
T.ucksport, ph. Hancock Co. Me. on the E. bank of tlie Penobscot, 17 ni. above Castine. It is a maritime towin and has a considerable trade. Pop. 2,237.
Buda, or Ofen, the capital of Lower Hungary, situate en the side of a bill, on the west side of the Danube, over which is a bridge of boats to Pest. The inhabitants are estimated at 25,000. The churches and public buildings are handsome. In the adjacent country are vineyards, which pro ducxc2xa3 excellent wine. Prior to 1526, when it sur- rendered to the Turks, it was the residence of the kings of Hungary. From that period, for 160 years, it was an object of jealousy and contention between the Turks and the Christian powrers of Europe ; when, in 1686, it surrendered to the lat ter, who strengthened the fortifications, and by whom it has since been retained without inier- ruption. It suffered greatly by fire in 1810, when 600 houses w7ere destroyed ; but their places have since been supplied with improved buildings. It is about 130 m. E. S. E. of A'ienna, and 180 N. N. AV. of Belgrade. Long. 19. 5. E. lat. 47. 30. N.
Budanitza, a towin at the north-west end of Sclavonia, near the south bank of the Drave, 23 m. S. AV. of Funfkirchen.
Budlich, a towin of Germany, in the territory of Treves ; seated on the Traen, 12 m E. N. E. of Treves.
Buderich, or Burich, a. town of German}7, in the duchy of Cleves ; seated on the Rhine, 22 m. S. E. of Cleves, and 4 S. E. of Wesel.
Budin, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of Ra- konitz, with a castle, 9 m. S. by AV. ofLeut- meritz.
Budingen, a towin of Germany, in AAretteravia, with a castle ; situate on the Sambach, 25 m. E. N. E. of Frankfort, on the Maine.
Budinze, a town of Sclavonia, 18 m. S. AV. of Essey.
Budoa, a strong seaport of Dalmatia, and a bishops see. It sustained a siege by the Turks, in 1686, and is 30 miles S. E. of Ragusa. Long. 18. 58. E. lat. 42. 10. N.
Budrio, a town of Italy, in the Bolognese, 8 m. E. of Bologna.
Budweis, a fortified town of Bohemia in the circle of Bechin, and lately a bishops see. In the environs are mines of gold and silver. It is seat- ed on the Muldau, 75 m. S. by AV. of Prague.
Budweis, a town of Moravia in the circle of Znaim, 40 m. S. AV. of Bunn, and 65 N. N. W. of Vienna.
Buenos Ayres, Under this head it has been usual to include a vast portion of the southern divisions of the western hemisphere, extending from the 13th to the 41st deg. of south lat. com- prising an area of about 1,450,000 square miles; constituted a vice-royalty of Spain in 1778, but from the period of July, 1806, to July, 1821, it continued in perpetual revolution ; when at the latter period it was constituted an independent republic by the title of the United Provinces of South America, under which head its aggregate and general features will be found exhibited.
Buenos Ayres, one of the eight united provinces of South America, is the most easterly division of the republic, being bounded on the east from the 26th to the 34th deg. of south lat. by the Brazilian territory, and from the 34th to the frontier of Pata- gonia, in the lat. of41 south by the Atlantic Ocean ; divided into two parts north and south by the great river La Plata, which falls into the Atlantic Ocean, between the lats. of 35. and 37. The north part of this province is intersected from north to south by the great rivers Parana and Uruguay, the united waters of which form the.La Plata. This part is bounded on the west by a conventional line, which divides it from the province of Cor- dova, from 50 to 120 m. W. of Parana River. The greater portion of this division of the province is exceedingly fertile, and the congeniality of its climate wrorthy of the title which it has conferred upon the country. It contains several considera- ble towins, the most important of which are Cor- rientes in the north, on the east bank of the Parana : Santa Fe, south, on the west bank of ditto; and Monte Video on the north bank of ths | |