enbuttel, then dividing the Bishopric of Hildes- heim from North Calenbergon the east, and after- wards intersects the north part of North Calen- berg. The Weser also intersects the south part of N. Calenberg from south-east to north-west, the chief towns being Hanover, Neustadt, and Hamel n. The aggregate extent of the surface may be estimated at about 1,700 square miles, and the population at 220.000. The soil is generally fertile, and under social and reciprocal arrange- ments, Calenberg might be made to yield a sur- plus produce sufficient to command an abundance of tropical and other luxuries, the consumption of which has hitherto been very limited.
Calhuco, a town at the south extremity of Araucan, opposite the north end of the Isle of Chiloe, in the South Pacific Ocean, inhabited by Spaniards, Mestozos, and Indians, 180 m. S. of Valdivia. Long. 73. 37. AV. lat. 41. 40. S.
Cali, a city of Colombia, in the valley of Popa- yan, on the west bank of the river Cauca. The governor of the province generally resides here. It is 00 m. E. of .Bonaventura, and 200 W. by S. of St. Fe. Long. 77. 5. W. lat. 3.15. N.
^ Calicut, a city of Hindoostan, capital of a pro- vince of the same name, on the coast of Malabar. It was the first Indian port visited by European shipping ; being discovered by the Portuguese, in 1498. Here is a manufacture of plain cotton goods; and much salt is made by the natural evaporation of the sea water. The principal ex- ports are cocoa and betel nuts, black pepper, gin- ger, and turmeric. It is seated at the mouth of a river, 110 m. S. AV. of Seringapatam, and 130 S.
S. E. of Mangalore. Long. 75. 52. E. lat. 11.12, N. It was formerly much more considerable, having been much encroached upon by the sea.
California, a Dromontory, in the Pacific Ocean, separated from the west coast of North America by the Vermilion sea, or Gulf of California; ex- tending N. AV. from Cape St. Lucar, in the lat. of 22. 44. to lat. 33. N. being about 50 miles in aver- age breadth. It was discovered by Cortez, in 153G; and is said to have been visited bv Sir Francis Drake, in 1578. Toward the close of the seventeenth century, the Jesuits formed several settlements here, and endeavoured to govern the natives with the same policy and authority that they exercised in their missions in Paraguay. They seem studiously to have depreciated the climate and soil of the country; but on their ex- pulsion from the Spanish dominions, the court ap- pointed Don Joseph Galvez to visit this peninsula. His account of the country "was favourable ; he found the pearl fishery on its coast to be valuable, and he discovered mines of gold of a very promis- ing appearance. Divers nations or tribes inhabit the country, without acknowledging any chief. Each father is a prince over his own family; but his power ceases when the children are able to provide for themselves. Each tribe, neverthe- less, has persons appointed, who call assemblies to divide the productions ot the earth, regulate the fisheries, and march at their head when en- gaged in war. AVant of provision obliges^ them often to change their abodes; and in severe win- ters they retire into caves. A girdle and piece of linen round the body, some ornaments for the head, and a chain of pearls, serve them for dress and finery. Those who live toward the north, where they have no pearls, dress their heads with shells. The women commonlv wear a kind of .ong robe, made of leaves of palms; though some wear nothing but a girdle. A range of mountains runs parallel with the coast, its whole exten rising in some places to the height of about 4,700 feet. The soil in many places is excellent; and it is reported that vines grow naturally in the moun- tains, and that the Jesuits, when they resided here, made abundance of wine, in taste approaching to that of Maderia. The chief town is St. Joseph, about 25 m. N. E. of Cape St. Lucas. The por i- lation of the whole territory is supposed re xe2x80x9e to exceed 10,000.
California, New, is an extension of territory along the coast, north of the promontory of Cali- fornia to the lat. of about 40. N. comprising the greater pari of the coast formerly called New Al- bion. The same mountain ridge which intersects the promontory continues to run nortn, parallel with the coast, at a distance of thirty to fifty miles. The Jesuits, who extended themselves in this di rection, found the soil somewhat more congenial for the general purposes of culture, and founded about twenty settlements upon and between the coast and the mountain ridge, each settlement dedicated to some saint of their holy order. The four principal settlements on the coast are St. Die- go, in the lat. of 32.42.; La Furissima, in 34. 32.; St. Carlos de Monterey, in 36. 36.; and St. Fran cisco, in 37. 48. N. The total population of this district is estimated at about 16,000.
Calix, a town of Sweden, in West Bothina, on a river of the same name, near its entrance into the gulf of Bothnia, 22 m. W. of Tornea,
Callah, a town of Algiers, in the province of Mascara, which has a considerable trade, and the greatest market for carpets in the country. It is 40 m. E. of Oran.
Callan, a town of Ireland, in the county of Kil kenny, on the frontier of Tipperary, 7 m. S. W of the city of Kilkenny, and 65 from Dublin Pop. in 1821, 5,673.
Callander, a town of Scotland, in Perthshire with a considerable manufacture of muslin ; seat- ed on the river Teath, 30 m. W. S. AV. of Perth. Pop. 2,030.
Callao, a seaport of Peru, with the best harbour on the coast, and a large and safe roadstead de- fended by the islands of Callao and St. Lawrence. In the port every commodity is to be procured that vessels may be in need of. The town was almost totally destroyed by an earthquake, in 1746. It is seated on a river of the same name, 5 m. W. of Lima, of which it is the port. Long. 76. 58. W. lat. 12. 2. S.
Callaway, a county of Kentucky. Pop. 5,159. Wadesborough in the chief town.
Calle, a town of Algiers, in the province ol Constantina, where the French have a factory es- tablished for a coral fishery, and trade for grain, wool, leather, and wax. It stands on a rock, al- most surrounded by the sea, 36 m. E. of Bona.
Callinger, a fortified town of Hindoostan, in the province of Allahabad, formerly capital of Bundelcund. It was ceded by the Mahrattas to the English in 1793. It is 20 m. N. of the Dia- mond Mines of Punuah, and 150 W. by S. of Benares.
Callington, a borough in Cornwall, Eng. with a manufacture of cloth; situate on the Lynher, 12 m. S. ef Launceston, and 216 W. by S. of London. It returns two members to parliament Pop. in 1821, 1,321.
Calloma, or Caillomo, a town of Peru, celebrat ed for its silver mines, 50 m. N. by E. of Arequipa, and 170 S. of Cuzco.
Calmar, a strong seaport of Sweden, capital of | |