Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 177
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CEL    177    CEL

miles from north to south, and 15 in mean
breadth, forming the north-east extremity of
the state; bounded on the east by Newcastle
county, Delaware, and west by the Susquehan-
na River. Pop. 15,432. Elkton, is the chief

Cecil, t. Washington Co. Pa

Cazimir town of Little Poland, in the pala-
tinate of Luolin, seated on the Vistula, 80 m.
E. of Zarnaw. Long. 22. 3. E. lat. 51. 0. N.

Cedar Creek, a water of James River, in Vir-
ginia, in the county of Rockbridge ; remarkable
for its natural bridge, justly regarded as one of
the most magnificent natural curiosities in the
world. It is a huge rock, in the form of an arch,
90 feet long, 60 wide, and from 40 to 60 deep,
lying over the river more than 200 feet above
the surface of the water, supported by abutments
as light and graceful as though they had been the
work of Corinthian art. This bridge gives name
to the county, and affords a commodious passage
over a valley,which cannot be crossed elsewhere
for a considerable distance. It is about 100 m.
W. of Richmond, and 160 S. S. W. of Washing-
ton city.

Cedar Point, a seaport of Maryland, in Charles
county. The exports are chiefly tobacco and
maize. It is seated on the Potomac, 12 miles be
low Port Tobacco, and 40 south by east of Wash
ingt :>n.

Ctd-ogm. a town of Naples, in Principato Ulte-
riore, at the loot of the Apennines, 20 m. N. N. E.
of Conza.

Cefalonia, or Csphaloitia. the most considerable
of the Ionian Isles, in the Mediterranean. on the
coast of Greece, opposite the golf of Lepanto
It is 40 miles long, and from 10 to 20 broad, fer-
tile in oil and muscadine wine. The capital is of
the same name, on the south-east coast. Long.
20. 56. E. lat. 38. 12. N.

Cefalu, a seaport of Sicily, in Val di Demona,
and a bishop’s see, with a castle ; seated on a
promontory, 40 m. E. by S. of Palermo. Long.

13. 58. E. lat. 38. 15. N. Pop. about 5,500.

Celano, a town of Naples, in Abruzzo Ulteriore,
near a lake of the same name, 30 miles in circum-
ference. It is 15 m. S. of Aquila.

Celaya, or Silao, a town of Mexico, situate on a
spacious plain 6,000 feet above the level of the
sea, a few miles N.N.W. ofthe city of Guanaxuato.

Celbridge, a town of Ireland, m the county of
Kildare, 10 miles AA7. of Dublin. Pop. in 1820,

Celebes, or Macassar, a very irregular and sin-
gularly shaped island in the Eastern Sea, lying be-
tween Borneo and the Moluccas. The centre of
the island is intersected by the line of 120. of E.
long, and 2. of S. lat. From this centre four
tongues of territory project, terminating as fol-
lows viz.

Lat. Long.

1st, at Bontham,    5.    34.    S.    120. 32.    E.

2d, at Cape Lessen,    4.    54.    S.    121. 28.    E.

3d, at Cape Talabo,    0.    48.    S.    123. 57.    E.

4th, at Cape Phvers,    1.    15.    N.    120. 34.    E.

5th, from Cape Rivers another tongue projects
eastward, in nearly a straight line wholly north
of the equator to the long, of 125. 5. E. The
eentre tfrom whence the tongues respectively di-
verge, comprises an extent of territory of about
150 miles from north to south, and 110 from west
to east, the mean breadth of the projections, each
being about 55 miles, gives an aggregate extent
of surface of about 67,000 square miles. The

Portuguese, who first doubled the Cape of Good
Hope into the eastern seas in 1493, formed a set-
tlement upon the south-west point of Celebes in
1512. The Portuguese were expelled by the
Dutch in 1667, hy whom the possession was called
Macassar. They held it undisturbed till after the
commencement of the present century, about
which period the English, in their turn, with one
or two unimportant exceptions, dispossessed eve
ry European state of their Asiatic possessions;
but all the former possessions of the Dutch in the
eastern seas were restored by the English at the
peace of 1815, and confirmed to them by treaty in
1825. Celebes abounds in all the varieties of pro-
ductions common to its climate and geographic al
position. Minerals, gems, animals, vegetables
esculent, ambrosial, and medicinal; as well as
reptiles, birds, and fishes, all abound to display
the varied, liberal, and unsparing hand of crea-
tion, and to afford to man all the means of the
highest possible degree of human enjoyment.
Yet these advantages are balanced by some dread-
ful scourges. The great boa constrictor is an in-
habitant of this island. He is 25 or 30 feet long,
and proportionably thick. He is the most glut-
tonous and rapacious, as well as the most for-
midable of the serpent tribe. He has been known

to kill and devour a buffalo. His strength is
prodigious, and he crushes his prey within the
twinings of his enormous folds. A Malay sailer
in 1799 was seized by a boa in this island, and
almost instantaneously crushed to death. Before
swallowing his prey, the serpent licks it over and
covers it with a gelatinous substance, to make it
slip down his jaws; in this condition he will
swallow a mass three times his own thickness
When gorged in this manner with food, they
crawl into some retreat, and fall into a stupid
heavy sleep, in which they become so unwieldy
and helpless that they may be easily killed.
AVhilst the inhabitants are said to be brave, ingen-
ious, high-spirited, daring in adventure, enter-
prising in pursuit, and honest in dealing, and that
to a degree which renders their martial character
celebrated all over the eastern seas, they are, on
the other hand, said to be suspicious, cruel, and
ferocious. An acquaintance with the natives of
those islands in the eastern seas, with whom Eu-
ropeans appear to have had no trading inter-
course, leads to infer that the extension of the
commerce of Europeans, with all their pretensions
to scientific attainment and social refinement, has
operated as a curse rather than a blessing ; rapine
and cruelty, subjugation and misery, having
marked its progress, and followed in its train,
wherever it has extended itself. Such cannot bo
























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