Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 187
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tion of an increasing population, which in 1811
amounted to 8,325, and in 1821 to 13,396. Its
waters, which increase in quantity in proportion
to the demand for them, and increase of visitors,
operate both as aperient and restorative, being
impregnated with salts, suphur, stee., and calca-
reous earth. The parish church is an ancient and
venerable structure; there are several sectarian
places of worship; its market on Thursday, is
well supplied with every necessary.

Chelum, or Behut, a river of Asia, the western-
most of the five eastern branches of the Indus.
It rises above Cashmere, flows through the prov-
ince of that name, into that of Lahore, and joins
the Chunaub, 16 miles below Kooshaub. This
river is the Hydaspes of Alexander.

Chelva, or Chulilla, a town of Spain, situate on
the north bank of the Guadalaviar, about 20 m.
N. W. of Valencia.

Chemnitz, or Kemnitz, a town of upper Saxony,
in Misnia, surrounded by walls and ditches. It
has four suburbs, and a castle about a mile from
the town. Great quantities of cottons and other
fine stuffs are made here; and the bleaching
business is considerable. It is situate on a river
of the same name, 38 m. S. W. of Dresden, and
about the same distance S. E. of Leipzig. Pop.
about 10,000.

* A There is another town of the sam^name in
the north part of the circle of Leutmeritz in Bo-
hemia. about 42 m. S. E.-f Dresden.

Chemung, ph. Ttoga. Co. N. Y. 190 m. W.
Albany. Pop. 1.462.

Chenango, an interior county on the south side
of the state of New York, it is kit
e Faceted by a
river of the same name,’ which flows from north
to south into the Susquehanna; population
37,406. Norwich is the chief town ; there is also
a town of the same name at the entrance of the
river into the Susquehanna, in the adjoining
county of Broome, N. Y. near the frontier of Penn-
sylvania, 127 m. W. S. W. of Albany. Pop.

Chmapatam, or Chinnypatam, a town of Hin-
doostan, in Mysore, near which is a handsome
stone fort. It has manufactures of sugar, glass,
and excellent music-wire, and a great trade in
the produce of the palm-gardens in its vicinity.
It is 40 m. E. N. E. of Seringapatam.

Chencour, or Ckemkon, a town of Armenia,
on the frontiers of Georgia, with a beautiful cas-
tle, grand caravanserais, and several mosques,
160 m. N. E. of Erivan.

Ckensi, or Shen-si, a western frontier province
of China, lying between the lat. of 32. and 38. N.
and 193. to 110. of E. long. It is bounded on
the south by the province of Setchuen, and on
the east partially by the province of Honan, but
mainly by the Hoang-ho, or Great Yellow river,
which divides it from Chan-si, on the north, part-
ly bv the great wall which divides it from Chinese
Tartary. and on the west by the dreary country of
the Mseguls. containing an area of about 147,000
square m:lxc2xab. The Hoang-ho, in the eccentricity
of its course, skirts the N. W. part of the prov-
ince, running in a northerly direction; whilst
on the east side it runs a course due south.
Numerous streams intersect this province in all
directions, some falling into the Hoang-ho on the
west, and some into the same river on the east,
and others into the Kiang Kien, or Great River,
which intersects the province of Setchuen; a
province so extensive, as may be expected, com-
prises much diversity, of soil and features. It
abounds with drugs, rhubarb, musk, cinnabar
wax, honey, and coals; of which last it contains
inexhaustiblfe veins. It has also rich gold mints,
which, for political reasons, are not allowed to be
opened. It produces little rice, but plentiful
crops of wheat and millet; but is occasionally
subject to long droughts, when clouds of locusts,
from the forests of Mongul Tartary, destroy the
entire vegetation of extensive districts ; the in-
habitants, however, make a food of the locusts,
and esteem them as a delicacy. The population
is estimated at upwards of 30,000,000.

Chen-yang, Chin-yan, or Mou-den, a city ofeast-
ern Tartary, capital of a province of the same
name, otherwise called
Leatong. It is situate on
the bank of a fine river, running south into the
Gulf of Leaotong. The walls are 10 miles in cir-
cumference ; and it is ornamented with several
public edifices, and provided with arsenals and
storehouses. It is 350 m. E. N. E. of Pekin.
Long. 123. 5. E. lat. 41. 55. N.

Chepello, an island in the Bay of Panama, about
20 m. from the city of Panama, which it supplies
with provisions and fruit.

Chepstow, a town in Monmouthshire, Eng. It
is seated on the side of a hill, on the Wye, near
its confluence with the Severn. It was surround-
ed by a wall, traces of which are observable ; and
on a perpendicular rock are the remains of a large
castle. Here was also a priory, part of which is
converted into a church, and comparatively it was
in former times of much greater consequence than
at present. It is now the port of entry for all the
towns on the rivers Wye and Lug, and sends a few
ships annually to the Baltic and British America,
for timber, deals,
Ac.: ships coast-way, a consid-
erable quantity of timber, bar]?, &c. and has two
ship-vards. where vessels of 500 to 600 tons are
generally in a course of building. The spring
tides rise to the height of 70 feet; the neaps are
consequently attended with great inconvenience,
and preclude it from materially extending its com-
merce. There is a fine bridge of iron over the
Wye, erected at the joint expense of the counties
of Monmouth and Gloucester. It is about 10 m.
N. of Bristol, and 130 W. N. W. of London. Pop
in 1821, 3,008.

Cher, an interior department in the centre of
France, including part of the late province of
Berry. It receives its name from a river which
rises in Auvergne, and flows into the Loire, be
low Tours. Bourges, 126 m. due S. of Paris, is
the capital. It contains about 3,000 sq. m. and

230,000 inhab.

Cherasco, a fortified town of Piedmont, capital
of a fertile territory of the same name, with a
strong citadel. It is seated on a mountain, at the
confluence of the Stura with the Tanaro, 24 m.
S. S. E. of Turin. Pop. about 11,000.

Cherbourv. a seaport of France, in the depart-
ment of Manche, with an Augustine abbey.
Here was a sea-fight between the English and
French, in 1692, when the latter were beat., and
upward of 20 of their men of war burnt, near Cape
la Hogue. The English landed here in 1758, took
the town, with the ships in the basin, demolished
the fortifications, and ruined the works for im-
proving the harbour. These works were resum-
ed on a stupendous scale, by Louis XVI.; but
their progress was interrupted by the revolution ;
resumed again under Napoleon in 1803; and the
works destroyed by the fury of the elements in
l808; after which a new plan of operations was
resolved upon, by excavating a basin out of the

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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