Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 200
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CHR    200    CHU

Christianburg, a fort of Guinea, on the Gold
Coast, subject to the Danes. Long. 1. 55. E. lat.

4. 10. N.

Christiansville, ph. Mecklenburg Co. Va.

Christianfeld, a town of Denmark, in the duchy
of Sleswick, built hy a society of Moravians, un-
der the protection of Christian VII. All articles
manufactured here are of excellent quality. It is
8 m. N. of Hadersleben.

Christiania, the capital of Norway, and an epis-
copal see, in the government of Aggerhuys, situ-
ate at the extremity of a fertile valley, forming a
semicircular bend along the shore of the Bay of
Biorning, which forms the north extremity of
the Gulf of Christiania. It is divided into the
city, the suburbs of Waterlandt, Peterwigen, and
Fierdingen, the fortress of Aggerhuys, and the
old town of Opsloe. The city was rebuilt in its
present situation by Christian IV. after a plan
designed by himself. The streets are carried at
right angles to each other, and uniformly 40 feet
hroad. It covers a considerable extent of ground,
but has not more than 10,000 inhabitants. The
castle of Aggerhuys is built on a rocky eminence
on the west side of the bay, at a small distance
from the city. Opsloe was the site of the old
city, burnt in 1624; it contains the episcopal
palace. Christiania has an excellent harbour,
and its principal exports are tar, soap, iron, cop-
der, deals and alum. It is 30 miles from the
open sea, and 290 N. by W. of Copenhagen.
Long. 10. 50. E. lat. 59. 50. N.

Christixmopel, a strong seaport of Sweden, in
Blekingen, seated on the Baltic, 13 m. N. E. of
Carlscrona. Long. 15. 47. E. lat. 56. 26. N.

Christiansand, a seaport of Norway, capital of
a province of the same name, which is famous for
iron mines. It is seated at the mouth of the
Torrisdals, on the north shore of the Scagerack
opposite the isle of Fleckeren, 110 m. E. S. E. of
Stavanger, and 120 S. S. AV. of Christiania.
Long. 8. 40. E. lat. 58. 25. N.

Christianstadt, a fortified town of Sweden, in
Blekingen, built by Christian IV. of Denmark,
when the country was in the power of that
crown. The chief trade is in alum, pitch, and
tar; and it has manufactures cf cloth and silken
stuffs. The town is seated in a marshy plain, on
the river Helge-a, which is navigable only for
small craft, 57 m. W. by S. of Carlscrona. Long.

14. 10. E. lat. 56. 25. N.

Christianstadt, a seaport of Russian Finland, at
the mouth of a river, on the Gulf of Bothnia,
155 m. N. by W. of Abo. Long. 21. 28. E. lat.
62. 40. N.

Chnstiansund, a town of Norway, in the island
of Fossen, with a commodious harbour and wharf.
The chief trade is in timber. It is 36 m. W. S.
W of Drontheim.

Christineham, a town of Sweden, in Werme-
land, at the east end of the lake Wenner, 30 m.

5. E. of Carlstadt.

Christim, St. the principal of the islands called
Marquesas. See

Christmas Island, an island in the Pacific Ocean,
so named bv Cook, who first landed here on
Christmas day. 1777. It is 45 miles in circum-
ference, uninhabited, and destitute of fresh wa-
ter ; but has abundanoe of fine turtle. Long. 157.
30. W. lat. 1.59. N.

Christmas Sound, a bay on the south coast of
Terra del Fuego, so named bv Cook, who passed
here the 25th December, 1774. The country is
barren, and thd refreshments to he got here are
























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chiefly wild fowl. Long. 70.- 3. VV. iat. 55. 22. S

Christophe de Laguna, St. the capita! of the isl
and of Teneriffe. Here the courts of justice are
held, and the governor has a palace ; but he com-
monly resides at St. Cruz. It stands on an em-
inence, in an extensive fertile plain, and lias
several fountains supplied with water from the
neighbouring heights hy an aqueduct. The lake,
from which it has been supposed to take its name,
is now a very inconsiderable piece of water.

Long. 16. 11. W. lat. 29. 29. N.

Christopher, St. or St. Kitts, one of the Leeward
Islands, in the West Indies, 60 m. W. of Anti-
gua, the N. W. end being divided by a narrow
strait from the small island of Nevis. It was for-
merly inhabited by the French and English ; but,
in 1713, it was ceded to the latter; taken by the
French in 1782, but restored to the English again
in the following year. It is 15 miles long and 4
broad, with high mountains in the middle, whence
rivulets flow. Between the mountains are dread-
ful rocks, horrid precipices, and thick woods;
and in the S. W. parts, hot sulphurous springs at
the foot of them. Basseterre is the capital.

Christorf, a town of Bohemia, in the north part
of the circle of Bunslau, 6 m. S. S. E. from

Chroberg, a town of Austrian Poland, in the
palatinate of Sandomirz, 52 m. AV. of Sandomirz.

Chrudim, a town of Bohemia, capital of a circle
of the isame name, which is remarkable for a
great number of fish ponds, and an excellent
breed of horses. It stands on the river Chru-
dinka, 10 miles above its entrance into the Elbe,

46 m. E. S. E. of Prague.

Chucnito, a town of Peru, in the diocese ot
Paz. on the west side of Lake Titicaca, called also
the Lake of Clmcuito, .130 m. N. W. of Paz.

Long. 70. 26. AV. lat. 16. 20. S.

Cliudlugh, a town in Devonshire, Eng. The
neighbourhood is famous lor its cider, and for a
stupendous rock of bluish limestone, called Chud-
leigh marble, in which is a large cavern. This
town was almost destroyed hy fire in 1807. It is
seated near the Teign, 9 m. S. W. of Exeter, and
185 W. by S. of London. Pop. in 1821, 2,059.

Chuganseriai, a town of Hindoostan, in the
province of Cabul, on a river of the same name,

80 m. E. of Cabul. Long. 70. 8. E. lat. 34.55. N.

Chukotskija, or Tchonkchi, a province of Siberia,
and the most easterly of the dominions of Russia.

It extends from 156. to 197. E. long, and from 63.
to 73. N. lat. and is separated from America by
Behring’s Straits.

Chidmleigh, a town in Devonshire, Eng. on the
river Taw, flowing into the Bristol channel, 21
m. N. AV. of Exeter, and 194 W. by S. of London.

Pop. in 1821,1,506.

Chumbul, a considerable river of Hindoostan,
rising near Ougein, in Malwa, and after a wind-
ing course of about 400 miles, falls into the Jum-
nah, about 90 m. below Agra.

Chunar, a fortress of Hindoostan in Allahabad,
built on a rock, fortified all around by a wall and
towers. It wins unsuccessfully attempted by the
English in 1764; but in 1772, it was ceded to
them by the Nabob of Oude. It is seated on the
south bank of the Ganges, 15 m. S. of Benars,
and 140 W. by S. of Patna.

Chunaub, a river of Asia, the chief of the five
eastern branches of the Indus. It rises in the
Thibetian Mountains,runs through Cashmere ana
joins the Indus 20 miles below Moultan. This
river is the Acesines of Alexander    


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