Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 208
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coc    208    COG

Cocheim, a town of Germany, seated on the
Moselle, 25 m. S. W. of Coblentz.

Cochecton, t- Sullivan Co. N. Y. Pop. 438.

Cockerel, a town of France, in the department
of the Eure ; noted for a victory gained by Gues-
elin over the king of Navarre, in 1564. It is
7 m. E. of Evreux.

Cochin, a province of Hindoostan, on the coast
of Malabar, towards the southern extremity of the
Peninsula; a chain of islands flanks the whole
extent of the coast. It is a very fertile district,
and yields abundance of rice, pepper, and cocoa
nuts, and excellent timber for ship-building. It
was the first part of India where the Portuguese,
after passing the Cape of Good Hope, formed a
settlement; but their intrigues and extortions
soon caused them to be repulsed from the main
land; but they were allowed, in 1503, to erect a
fortification on one of the islands, in the lat. of 9.
57. N. The fort surrendered to the Dutch in
1663, who, by their toleration of all religions pre-
tensions, occasioned it to increase greatly in popu-
lation. The natives of the province successfully
resisted the Mahometan arms up to the period of
1776, when Hyder Alii, rendered them tributary;
and ihe exaction being enforced with increased
vigour under Tippoo Saib, in 1791, the rajah
sought tne protection of the English; to whom
the Dutch fort surrendered in 1795 and thereby
the whole territory became (subservient to the
English. The fort is 120 m. S. by E. of Calicut.

Cochin China, a maritime kingdom of Asia, ex-
tending from Cape Varela-falsa, in the lat. of 12.

55. N. to Sinboo Bay, in the lat. of 16. N.; it is
bounded on the west by a high mountain ridge,
running parallel with the coast its whole extent,
at the distance of 60 to 70 miles; this mountain
ridge divides Cochin China from a vast desert,
lying between the mountains and the great river
Cambodia. The aborigines of Cochin China are
called Moys, and reside chiefly on the western
declivities of the mountains. To these strong
holds they were driven, about the beginning of
the 15th century., by the present possessors of the
country. The aborigines are a savage people,
and in features resemble the Caffres. The present
inhabitants hear evident marks of being derived
from the same stock as the Chinese; their re-
ligion is also the same, and most of their manners
and customs. They are a courteous, affable, in-
offensive race, rather inclined to indolence. The
women are by far the most active sex, and mer-
chants often employ them as their factors and
brokers. The cities and towns have gates at the
end of each street, which are shut every night.
The houses are mostly of bamboo, covered with
rushes or the straw of rice, and stand in groves of
oranges, limes, plantains, and cocoa trees. Here
is plenty of sugar, pepper, rice, yams, sweet po-
tatoes, pumpkins, and melons; also ivory, musk,
honey, and silk, and the edible birds’-nests. The
climate is healthy, the summer heat being tem-
pered by regular breezes from the sea. In Septem-
ber, October, and November is the rainy season,
When the low lands are suddenly overflowed by
torrents of water from the mountains; the inun-
dations happen generally once a fortnight, and
continue three or four days. In the three follow-
ing months there are frequent rains, brought by
cold northerly winds, which distinguish this
country with a winter different from any other in
the east. The inundations render the land fruit-
ful, many parts producing three crops of grain in
the year. Gold is taken almost pure from the
mines, and there are rich silver mines. The
country is intersected by rivers, which are well
calculated for promoting inland commerce, yet not
large enough to admit vessels of great burden
but there are commodious harbours on the coast,
particularly that of Turon, in the lat. of 16. 5. N.
The vanity of the Chinese induces them to con-
sider Cochin as a tributary province of their em-
pire ; but if any acknowledgment is made, it is
merely nominal. The Cochin Chinese are the
most brave and efficient of the eastern nations;
they have hitherto held very little intercourse
with Europeans, but carry on an extensive traffic
with China and various parts of the eastern seas.

CochransviUe, p.v. Chester Co. Pa.

Cocke, a county of E. Tennessee, bounded on
the S. E. hy a ridge of the Apalachian Mountains,
called the Smoky Mountains, which divide it
from North Carolina. It is intersected by the.
Big Pigeon and French Broad Rivers, which unite
their streams towards the N. W. boundary of the
county. Pop. 6,048. Newport is the chief town.

Cocker, a river which rises in the south of Cum-
berland, Eng. flows through the lakes of Butter-
mere, Cromack-water, and Lowres-water, and joins
the Derwent, below Cockermouth.

Coekermouth, a borough in Cumberland, Eng.
It stands on the Cocker, at its conflux with the
Derwent, and between two hills, on one of which
is a handsome church, and on the other the re-
mains of a stately castle. It has manufactures of
shalloons, coarse linen and woolen cloths, leather,
and hats. It returns two members to parliament,
and is 36 m. S. W. of Carlisle, and 305 N. N. W.
of London. Pop. in 1821,3,770.

Coeonato, a town of Piedmont, the birth place
of Columbus, as some affirm, 20 m. east of Turin.

Cod, Cape, is the northern extremity of a penin-
sula, more than 120 miles in extent, and 10 to 15
in mean breadth, forming part of the state of Mas-
sachusetts. Cape Cod and the main land form a
very spacious bay, about 50 miles each way; and
Cape Cod and Cape Ann are the south and west
points which form the open bay called Massachu-
setts Bay, leading to the harbour of Boston : the
outer side of the peninsula forming Cape Cod is
flanked by shoals, which render the navigation
thereabouts dangerous. A light-house, on the
Cape Point, is in lat. 42. 3. N. and 70. 6. W. long.

Codogno, a town of Italy, in the Lodesan,
duchy of Milan, near the confluence of the Adda
with the Po, 12 m. S. S. E. of Lodi.

Codomudi, a town of Hindoostan, in Coimbe
tore, seated near the Cavery, a little above the in
flux of the Noyelar, 23 m. S. E. of Bhawaniku

Codorus, a township in York Co. Pa.

Coesfeld, a town of Westphalia, in the princi-
of Munster, near the source of the Burkel,
18 m. west of Munster.

Coevorden, a fortified town of Holland, on the
confines of Drenthe, Westphalia, and Overyssel,
and one of the strongest places in the whole coun-
try. It stands in a morass, on the river Aa, 33
m. S. by E. of Groningen. It is the capital of

Coeymans, a town in Albany County, New York,
on the west bank of the Hudson River, 14 m. S
of Albany. Pop. 2,723.

Coffcesmlle, p.v. Clark Co. Alab.

Coggeshall, a town in Essex, Eng. with a man
ufacture of baize ; seated on the north hank of the
river Blackwater, seven miles west of Colchester,
and 44 E. N. E. of London. Pop. in 1821,2,896;

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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