LAAB, a town of Lower Austria, on the river Teya, 39 m. N. by W. of Vienna. Long. 16. 20. E., lat. 48. 43. N.
Laos, a town of Austrian Illyria, in Carniola, with a trade in salt, leather, and horses. 12 m. S. of Laubach.
Laasphe, or Lasphe, a town of Germany, in the Prussian states, seated on the Lahn, 75 m. E. of Cologne.
Looadia, a town of Austrian Italy, seated on the Adirge, 20 m. N. N. W. of Ferrara.
Laber, a river of Bavaria, in Franconia, which rises near Neumark, and falls into the Danube at Sinzing, above Ratisbon.
Labes, a town of Prussia, in Pomerania, with manufactures of cloth ; seated on the Reca, 35 m. N. E. of Stargard.
Labia, a town of European Turkey, in Servia, 70 m. S. W. of Nissa.
Labiau, a town of East Prussia, with a strong castle, seated at the mouth of the Deine, near the Curische Haff, 25 m. N. E. of Konigsberg. |
Labrador, a country of North America, on the E. side of Hudson Bay.. The general aspect of the country is most dreary : the surface is moun- tainous and rugged, and covered with large stones, and the soil is poor. Coarse plants, adapted to the nourishment of deer and goats and other wild animals, are its chief productions. The cli- mate, in only lat. 47. N., is excessively cold dur- ing winter. The ice begins to disappear in May, and about the middle of July commences hot weather, which at times is such as to scorch the face of the hunters. Moqk suns and halos are not unfrequent; and the night is enlivened by the aurora borealis, which spreads over the whole sky. No country is better furnished with large, safe, and convenient harbours, or supplied with better water. The numerous islands along the E. coast abound with eider ducks and other wa terfowl, and also with hares, foxes, and deer. The animals are not numerous ; the most com- mon are reindeer, bears, wolves, tigers, foxes, beavers, otters, lynxes, martens, ermines, wild cats. The Labrador jumping mouse is common to this country and to all the interior as far as Slave lake. Eagles, hawks, owls, geese, bustards, ducks, partridges, and all kinds of wild fowl are numerous. The fishes are whales, morses, seals, cod, and a white fish preferable to herrings ; and in the rivers and fresh waters are pike, perch, carp, trout, &c. During the 3 months of summer there is a variety in the color of the several ani- mals, but in winter everything, animate and in- animate, is white. The trees of Labrador are mere shrubs,, with the exception of the black, white, and red spruce, silver fir, birch, and aspen. A few vegetables are produced, and various kinds of fruit. A beautiful-spar, called Labrador stone, was discovered by the Moravian Missionaries, who have successfully exerted themselves in im- proving the condition of the natives. They have now 3 settlements on these inhospitable shores, the total pop. of which is about 600. The natives are called Esquimaux. They have no fixed aboc"', but rove from place to place, and sometimes come as far as Newfoundland. They are of a differen. race from the other native Americans; for the other tribes have no beards, but these have them so thick and large that it is difficult to discover any feature of their faces; they are likewise the only savages that eat their food in a raw state. They are of a middling stature, generally robust, lazy, and of a brown color. Their head is large, and their face round and flat; they have thick lips, a flat nose, long hlack hair, large shoulders, and uncommonly small feet. They are always well clothed; for there is nothing to be seen but part of their faces and their hands. They have a sort of shirt made of the guts of fish, with a coat of bear or bird skins, and a cap on their head. They have likewise breeches made of skins, with the hair in- wards, and covered with furs without; also two pair of boots, one over another, of the same sort of skins. In summer, they have nothing to cover them in the night; and in the winter, they lodge in tents made of hides, or in caves. The dress ofthe women is nearly the same as that of the men. They are very superstitious, and have some sort of sacrifices They acknowledge two invisible essences, the one has the origin of good ; the other, to whom they pay the most hom- age, as the origin of every species of evil. Their chief employment is hunting and fishing. They are very covetous; and pay so little regard to private property as to take every advantage of bodily strength to rob their neighbours, not only of their goods but their wives. In other respects they are the mildest tribe, or nation, that is to be found on the borders of Hudson Bay. Murder, which is so common among all the tribes of south- ern Indians, is seldom heard of among them. A murderer is shunned and detested by all the tribe and is forsaken even by his relations and former friends. The women perform the most laborious offices ; they pitch the tents, carry or haul bur- dens, make or mend clothes, and prepare the vict- uals. When any thing is prepared for eating, the wives and daughters are never served till all the males have taken what they think proper.
Laby, a considerable town of Western Africa, in the kingdom of Foota Jalloo. It is upwards of 2 m. in circumference and contains 5,000 inhabi- tants, who are employed in the manufacture of narrow cloths, and various articles in iron, silver, wood, leather, &c., and carry on a good trade with Tombuctoo, which is four months journey beyond.
Laccadives, a group of small islands in the In- dian Sea, lying W. of the coast of Malabar, dis- covered by Vasco de Gama, in 1449. They are 32 in number : and are inhabited ty a race of Mahomedans called Moplays, whose chief traffic is in the produce of the cocoa palm, such as oil, cables, and cordage; and in dried fish. These are sent to the continent of India, whence they |