Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 501
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MIL    501    MIL

Milazzo, or Melazzo, a sea-port of Sicily, in
Val di Demona. It is divided into the Upper and
Lower Town: the former stands on a promonto-
ry and is fortified; the latter has a fine square,
with a superb fountain. It stands on a rock, on the
W. side of a bay of the same name, 20 m. W. of
Messina. Long. 15.24. E., lat. 38. 12. N.

Milborn-port, a borough in Somersetshire, Eng.
It has manufactures of woolen cloth, linen, and
hosiery ; and is seated on a branch of the Parret,
2 m. E. by N. of Sherborn and 114 W. by S. of

Milburn, p.t. Somerset Co. Me. 92 m. N. E.
Portland. Pop. 1,006.

Mildenhall, a town in Suffolk, Eng.; seated on
the' Larke, a branch of the Ouse, 12 m. N. W. of
Bury and 70 N. N. E. of London.

Miles, a township of Centre Co. Pa.

Milesburgh, p.t. Centre Co. Pa. 33 m. N. W.

Mileto, a town of Naples, in Calabria Ultra,
nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1783.
8 m.
N. E. of Nicotera.

Milford, a town of Wales, in Pembrokeshire.
It is elegantly and uniformly built, and stands on
the N. side of Milford Haven, a deep inlet of the
Irish Sea. The haven branches off into so many
creeks, secured from all winds, that it is esteem-
ed the safest and most capacious harbour in Great
Britain. At the entrance on the W. point, called
St. Ann’s, is an old lighthouse, and a blockhouse.
Here the earl of Richmond, afterwards Henry
VII., landed, on his enterprise against Richard

III. A quay and several good buildings have
been constructed by a company from Nantucket,
who have formed an establishment here for the
southern whale fishery.

Milford, p.t. Hillsborough Co. N. H. 27 m. S. Con-
cord. Pop. 1,303. Here are manufactures of cotton
and screws; p.t. Worcester Co. Mass. 18 m. S. E.
W'orcester. Pop. 1,380 ; p.t. New Haven Co.
Conn. on Long Island Sound, 9 m. S. W. New
Haven. Pop. 2.256. The town has a good harbour
for small vessels with some commerce and a quar-
ry of marble ; ph. Otsego Co. N. Y. 76 m. W.
Albany. Pop. 3,025 ; also towns in Hunterdon Co.
N. J.; Pike, Bucks, Mifflin, Lehigh, and Somer-
set Co s. Pa. ; Kent. Co. Del.; Greenville Dis. S. C.;
Ashtabula, Union, Butler, Hamilton, and Cler-
mont, Cos. Ohio-

MuhaUf a town ofFrance, department of Avey-
ran. seated on the Tarn. 50 m. N. W. of Montpelier.

town ofFrance, department of Gard,
seated on the Vistre. 9 to. S. W. of Nismes.

a town of Prussian Silesia, seated on
the river Bixtsch, 27 m. N. N. E. of Breslau.
Cong. 17. 23. E., lat. 51. 32. N.

MiLhcro, p.v. Washington Co. Pa.

ViLborongk.p.v. Bath Co. Va.; p.v. Sussex Co

MuAury, p.t. Worcester Co. Mass. 6 m. S.
Worcester. 49 m. S. W. Boston. Pop. 1,611-
Here are manufactures of woolen, paper, oil, leath-
er, black lead, mils, scythes, mill-saws, &c.

Mill Creek, a hundred of Newcastle Co. Del.;
p.v. Berkley Co. Va. and townships in Hamilton
and Union, Coshocton and Cuyahoga Cos.

MffltdgcrUle, p.t. Baldwin Co. Georgia, and the
capital oi the state. It stands on the Oconee, 312
m. above the month of the Alatamaha. Pop. 1,599
The river is navigable from here to the sea for
boats of 30 tons, and the town has a considerable
trade in cotton.























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Miller, a county of Arkansas. Pop. 358.

MiUersburg, villages in Holmes Co. Ohio : Rip-
ley Co. Ind and Bourbon Co. Ken.

Miller’s River, a branch of the Connecticut in
Worcester and Franklin Cos. Mass.

Mitierstown, villages in Lebanon, Perry, and
Lehigh, Cos. Pa.

JiHllfarm, p.v. Caroline Co. Va.

Millsay, p.v. Bullock Co. Geo.

Millsborough, p.v. Sussex Co. Del.

Millsfield,a township of Coos Co. N. H. Pop. 33.

Millstone, p.v. Somerset Co. N. J. 14 m. N. E.
Princeton, on a river of the same name flowing
into the Raritan.

Millsville, p.v. Cumberland Co. N. J., Gennesee
Co. N. Y. ; King George Co. Va. and Butler
Co. Ohio.

Millwood, p.v. Frederick Co. Va. on the Shenan-

Milo, ph. Penobscot Co. Me. Pop. 381.

Milo, the ancient Melos, an island of the Gre-
cian Archipelago, 18 leagues in circumference,
with one of the best and largest harbours in the
Mediterranean. It produces plentiful crops of
corn, excellent fruit, and wine ; abounds in very
good cattle, especially goats, and has mines ofiron,
and sulphur. In this island are curious subter-
ranean galleries, the roofs of which are covered
with genuine capillary or plume alum, and the
crevices of the rocks filled with pure sulphur.
Here are two bishops : one of the Greek, and the
other of the Latin church. At the commence-
ment of the 18th century the inhabitants amount-
ed *.xe2x80xa2:> above
20.000, but since that period it has
declined. It now belongs to Independent Greece,
a considerable time must elapse before it can
recover its former opulence and splendor. The
population ofthe whole island does not at present
exceed 1,200. On the E. side of the island is a
town of the same name, 60 m. N. of Candia, and
100 S. by E. of Athens. Long. 25. 0. 36.

41. N.

Milteriberg, a town of the Bavarian states, prin-
cipality of Leiningen, with a castle on a hill;
seated on the Maine. 20 m. S. S. E. of Aschaf-

Milihorpe, a town in Westmoreland,Eng. seated
on the Cetha, near the mouth of the Ken. It is
the only port in the county, and hence the fine
Westmoreland slates and other commodities are
exported. xc2xbbThe manufactures consist chiefly of
sacking, twine, and paper : in the vicinity are
limestone and marble quarries. 255 m. N. N. W.
of London.

Milton, a town of Kent, Eng. It is noted for
excellent oysters ; and much corn, &c. is ship-
ped here for the London markets. It is a place
of great antiquity, and was the residence of the
king of Kent, and of Alfred, who had a palaco
here. 14 m. N. E. of Maidstone, and 40 E. of

Milton, ph. Norfolk Co. Mass. T m. S. Boston,
on Neponset river which is navigable hence to
the sea for vessels of 150 tons. Here are manu-
factures of paper and chocolate. Pop. 1,565. Mil-
ton Hill in this town, is an abrupt and rocky emi-
nence, from which one of the most enchanting
prospects ir the world may be enjoyed, compris-
ing the city and bay of Boston, the oc**an, and a
wide extent of country delightfully variegated
with hills, vallej^, cultivated fields, towns and
villages. In very clear air the White Moun-
tains of New Hampshire have been discovered
from this spot.


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