Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 503
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to the N. E. of Majorca. It is 30 m. long ana 12
broad ; and is a mountainous country, with some
fruitful valleys. Some corn is raised, but the
principal products of the island are wine, wool,
cheese, and various fruits. It has been frequently
in the hands of the British, bv whom it was taken
without the loss of a man in 17.98, but given up
at the peace of 1802. Ciudadella is the capital;
but Mahon claims greater consequence, on ac-
count, of its excellent harbour, Port Mahon, which
is defended by Uvo forts. Long. 3. 43. E., lat. 39.
hi N

o i . p.

M not, ph. Cumberland Co. Me. Pop. 2,908.

Minsk, an extensive province of European Rus-
sia, comprehending the old palatinate of Minsk
and portions of Polotzk, Novogrodek, and Wilna.
extends from the Dwina N. to the province of
Volhynia, comprises an area of 37,000 sq. m. is
divided into ten circles, and contains 950,000 in-
habitants. The surface, productions, &c. are the
same as in Lithuania.

Minsk, the capital of the foregoing province,
with two citadels, is seated on the Swislocz, 80
m. S. E. of Wilna and 310 E. N. E. of Warsaw.
Long 27. 58. E., lat. 53. 46. N.

Mintaon, an island in the Indian Ocean, 40 in.
long and 14 broad, on the W. coast of the island
of Sumatra. Lon*. 97. 33. E., lat. 0. 25. S.

Mioss, a lake of Norway, in the province of
Hedemarke, 90 m. in circumference. It is almost
divided by a peninsula, and contains a fertile isl-
10 in. in circumference.

Miquelon, a small desert island, S. W. of Cape
Ray in Newfoundland, ceded to the French in
1763, for drying and curing their fish. Thev were
dispossessed of it by the English in 1793, but it
was restored to them in 1802. Lon*. 56. 10. W.,
lat. 46. 42. N.

Mira, a town of Portugal, in Beira, 16 m. N.
W. of Coimbra.

Miranda, a town of Portugal, in Tras os Mon-
tes, seated on a rock, on the rirer Douro, 32 m.
E. S. E. ofBraganza. Long.
6. 32. W., lat. 41.
46. N.

xe2x96xa0 Miranda de Corva, a town of Portugal, in Beilin,
13 in. S. E. of Coimbra.

Miranda de Ebro, a town of Spain, in the pro-
vince of Burgos, with a castle ; seated in an ex-
cellent wine country, on the river Ebro, over
which is a handsome bridge. 34 m. N. E. of
Borg >s.

a town 'France, department of Gers.
W I.
1.t'. the foathers of geese, are its prin-
cipal trtin in- trade. It is seated on an emi-
n-.v . rinin- :h- r rer Baise. 13
m. S. W. of Auch.

M:    3 * xe2x96xa0wo f Portugal, in Tras os Mon-

tes. 22 in S. W of Braganza.

.V*' . f a *hy of Italy, in the Modenese, cap-
iinl f a -xe2x80xa2win:'? :-fits name, and a bishop’s see,
with a citair!
izi -. tort. Besides the cathedral,
it contains in tin r in - hurchesand convents. It
is 1? m. N. N. E of Modena. Lon*. II. 19. E.,
lat. 44. 52. X-

MiratT. a t :f Spain, in New Castile, with
a strong castle : stated c-n the side of a hill, 16
in. S by W. of Piscetttla.

Mirebeau. a towri :f France, department of Up-
per Vienne. 14 m N. by W. of Poitiers.

Mirebeau, a town of France, department of
Cote d’Or, 13 m. N. of Difon.

Mirecourt. a town -of France, department of
Vosges, famous for its violins and fine lace ; seat-
id on the Modon, 15 m. W. N. W. of Epinal.

Miremont, a town of France, department of

Dordogne. Near it is a remarks'xe2x80x98fa cavern, call
ed Cluseau. It is seated neai the river Vizere,
15 m. E. of Bergerac.

Mirepoix, a town of France, department of Ar-
riege ; seated on the Gers, 15 m. E. N. E. of Foix
and 43 S. S. E. of Toulouse.

Mironj, a town of Saxony with a castle, 11 m.
W. of Strelitz.

Misagno, a town of Naples, in Otranto, 6 m
S. S. E. of Ostuni.

Misitra, or Mistras, a town of Independent
Greece, once the capital ofthe Morea and a place
of importance, but it is now decayed It is 90 m.
S. E. Lepanto. In the neighbourhood are to be
seen the ruins of ancient Sparta.

Misnia. See Meissen.

Mississippi, a river of the United States, rising
in a number of head streams between 47. and 48.
N. lat. and flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. It
is more than 3,000 m. in length and receives from
the west the Missouri, which on account of its
superior length is sometimes considered the main
stream rather than a branch of the Mississippi.
The other tributaries of the Mississippi are tbe
Ohio, Illinois, Arkansas, and Red river with a
great many inferior streams. The falls of St.
Anthony, are in the upper part of its course, and
have a perpendicular descent of 17 ft.; below the
point the river is navigable for vessels of 30 tons
to the sea. It runs but a little distance from its
source, before it becomes a considerable stream.
Below the falls of St. Anthony, it broadens to
half a mile in width ; and is a clear, placid and no-
ble stream, with wide and fertile bottoms, for a
long distance. A few miles below the river Des
Moines, is a long rapid of nine miles, which, for
a considerable part of the summer, is a great im-
pediment to the navigation. Below these rapids
the river *xc2xabsumes its medial width and charac-
ter from tnat point to the entrance of the Missou-
ri. It is a still more beautiful river, than the Ohio,
somewhat gentler in its current, a third wider,
with broad and clean sandbars, except in the time
of high waters, when they, are all covered. At
every little distance, there are islands, sometimes
a number of them parallel, and broadening the
stream to a great width. These islands are many
of them large, and have in the summer season an
aspect of beauty, as they swell gently from the
clear stream,xe2x80x94a vigour and grandeur of vegetation
which contribute much to the magnificence ofthe
the river. The sandbars, in the proper season,
are the resort of innumerable swans, geese and wa-
ter fowls. It is, in general, a full mile in width lrom
bank to bank. For aconsiderable distance above the
mouth of the Missouri, it has more than that width.
Altogether, it has, from its alternate bluff's and
prairies, the calmness and transparency of its wa-
ters. the size and beauty of its trees, an aspect of
great amenity and magnificence.

Where it receives the Missouri, it is a mile and
a half wide. The Missouri itself enters with a
mouth not more than half a mile wide. This uni-
ted stream below, has thence to the mouth ot the
Ohio, a medial width of little more than three
quarters of a mile. This mighty tributary seems
rather to diminish, than increase its width ; but
it perceptibly alters its depth, its mass of wators,
and wholly changes its character. It is no long-
er the gentle, placid stream, with smooth shores
and clean sandbars; but has a furious and boiling
current, a turbid and dangerous mass of sweeping
waters, jagged and dilapidated shores, and, where-
ever its waters have receded, deposites of mud

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (18


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