used as a flower garden. The edifice is 900 feet in length, 2 1-2 stories high, with two wings ex- tending back, one 60, and the other about 100 feet. The billiard rooms belonging to the estab- .ishment are contained in-a building adjoining the north wing. In front of the Hall is a spacious piazza, extending the whole length of the build- ng, 20 feet in width, with a canopy from the roof, supported by 17 massy columns, each of which is gracefully entwined with woodbine. There is also a back piazza, which opens upon a beautiful garden annexed to the establishment, and a small grove of pines, affording both fra- grance and shade to their loitering guests. The Congress Hall can accomodate nearly 200 visi- tants, and is justly ranked among the most ele gant establishments in the union.
, The United States Hotel, with its gardens and out buildings, occupies a space in the centre of the village of about, five acres. The main build- ing is composed of brick, 125 feet long and 34 wide.
The hotel is situated equally distant between the Congress and Flpt Rock springs, and com- mands a view of the whole village, and from its fourth story a distinct view is had of the sur- rounding country for a, number of miles. This establishment can accomodate nearly 200 visitants, and is one of the largest and most splendid edifi- ces in the United Stales.
The Pavilion is situated in a pleasant part of the village, immediately in front of the Flat Rock spring The building is constructed of wood, 133 feet in length, with a wing extending back from the centre of the main building, 80 feet. It is 2 1-2 stories high, with the addition of an. at- tick story, which, with the handsome portico in front, sustained by delicate colonnades, renders it, in beauty and proportion, one of the finest models of architecture.
There are many other fine hotels at this place. The town of Ballston Spa in the neighbourhood has also several springs which are much visited.
Saratoga Lake, a lake in the neighbourhood of the above springs, 9 m. long and 3 broad. It af- fords excellent fish and game.
Sarbruck, a town of Germany, capital of a county of its name, with a handsome palace, and a magnificent Lutheran church. It is seated on the W. side of the Sarre, 14 m. W. of Deux Ponts. Long. 7. 5. E., lat. 49. 16. N.
Saiburg, a towr of France, department of Menrthe, 40 m. E dv N. of Nancy.
Sardam, a town of the Netherlands, in N. Hoi. land, where there are vast magazines of tim'jur for ships and naval stores, and a great number of shipwrights. In this town Peter the Great resid- ed for some time, and worked as a shipwright. It is seated on the Wye, 7 m. N. W. of Amster- dam.
Sardinia, an insular and continental kingdom of Southern Europe, containing, besides the isl- and of Sardinia, Piedmont, Savoy, the county of Nice, the duchy of Montferrat, part of that of Milan, and the territory of Genoa. The govern- ment is monarchical, with few definite limits, except the priv.Ieges guranteed to particular states. Popery is the religion of the royal family and the state. The reigning family is descended from the ancient counts of Savoy, whose domin- ions became progressively extended by purchase, conquest, and donation. In the war of the French Revolution, in 1792, the Sardinians were aided by Austrian troops and a British subsidy, but, on Bonaparte assuming the command, the allied forces were speedily overthrown, all the continental dominions of the king of Sardinia were seized and incorporated with the French territory, and afterwards parcelled out anew into departments of the French empire. The changes of 1814 reinstated the king of Sardinia in all his continental dominions, except the duchy of Sa- voy; and in 1815 this also was restored, and the Genoese territory added to the kingdom.
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Sardinia,an island in the Mediterranean ,160 m. from N. to S. a-nd 70 from E. to W., separated from Corsica on the N. by the strait of Bonifacio. This island has been neglected by the govern- ment ; for, exclusive of the mountains, the chief part of the country may be regarded as waste, but where cultivated it is fertile in corn, wine, or- anges, citrons, and olives. Here are mines of silver, lead, sulphur, and alum, and quantities of cheese and salt are made. There are many pes- tilent marshes here. The frequent wastes abound with wild ducks; but the cattle and sheep are not numerous. The Mouflon or Argali is very common among the mountains of this island
On the coast is a fishery for anchovies and cor- ral. This island has undergone various revolu- tions : in 1708 it was taken from the Spaniards by the English, and allotted to the emperor of Germany at the ; eace of Utrecht. The Span iards recovered it in 1717, but were obliged to abandon it two years after ; and, in 1720, it was ceded to the duke of Savoy, as an equivalent for Sicily. In 1794 the inhabitants, rose against their Piedmontese rulers, and caused the viceroy and others to be sent out of the island ; but he was af- terwards received, on the king pledging himself to assemble the Cortes every 10 years, and con firming all the ancient laws and privileges of the inhabitants. The island continues to be gov erned as a province of the kingdom to which it gives name.
Sardinia, p.v. Niagara Co. N. Y.; ph. Erie Co N. Y. Pop. 1,114.
Sarecto, p.v. Dublin Co. N. C. 80 m. N. Wil- mington.
Sarepta, a settlement of Moravians, in the gov- ernment of Saratov in Russia in Europe, founded in 1765. 8 m. S. Tzaritzin.
Sargans, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of St. Gall, with a castle on a rock. Near the town are mineral springs and a productive iron mine. It atands on the summit of a hill, near the Rhine, 14 m N. of Coire and 47 S. E. of Zu- rich.
Sargel, a sea-port of Algiers, in the province of Mascara, with a castle. Near this town An- drew Doria was defeated by Barbarossa. 25 m. S. S. W. of Algiers. Long. 2. 15. E.,lat. 36. 30. N.
Sari, a town of Persia, in Mazandeian, the res- idence of one of the Persian princes; situate in a |