Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 665
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is a large magnificent building. 18 m. E. hy
S of Lucern. Long. 8. 21. E., lat, 46. 56. N.

Schweitz, Lake of. See Waldstadter See.

Schwelm, a town of Prussian Westphalia, in the
county of Mark, near which are some medicinal
springs. 26 m. E. of Dusseldorf.

Schwerin, a town of Germany, capital of the
grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. It is di-
vided into four parts ; namely, Schwerin, the New
Town, the island of Schelf, and the Moor, which
are all nearly encircled by a beautiful lake. The
principal church is a fine Gothic pile, with a lofty
spire. The ducal palace and gardens are on an
island in the lake, and have a communication with
the town by a drawbridge. This town was taken
by the Prussians in 1759, and in 1806 it was occu-
pied by the French. It is 35 m. W. S. W. of
Gustrow. Long. 11. 33. E., lat. 53. 56. N.

Scliwcrte, a town of Prussian Westphalia, in the
county of Mark, on the river Roer, 7 m. S. of

Schioetz, a town and castle of Prussia, on the
Vistula, 7 m. N. of Culm.

Scltwicbusscn, a town of Prussia, in the princi-
pality of Glogau. It has a castle, a Catholic par-
ish church, a Protestant church, good cloth manu-
factures, and fertile gardens and vineyards. 13
in. N. of Zullichau. Long. 15.47. 5*2. 21. N.

Sc/ncinJjurg, a town of Denmark, on the S. coast
of the island of Funen, with the best harbour in
the island, and manufactures of woolen and linen.

23. m. S. S. E. of Odensee. Long. 10. 30. E., lat.
55. 10. N.

Sciati, an island ofthe Grecian Archipelago, 14
m. N. N. E. of Negropont, and almost at the en-
trance of the gulf of Salonichi. It is 10 m. long
and 4 broad Long. 23. 40. E., lat. 39. 24. N.

Sdeneeville, p.v. Greene Co. N. Y. 59 in. W.

Sciglio, a town of Naples, in Calabria Ultra, on
the side of a rocky promontory, called Scylla. or
Cape Sciglio. In the terrible earthquake of U83
the sea was thrown furiously 3 m. inland, and on
its return swept off about 2,500 ofthe inhabitants,
with the prince of Sciglio, who hoping to find
security, were then on the Scylla Strand, or in
boats near the shore. It is 10 m. N. by E. of Reg-

Scilhj, a cluster of numerous isles and rocks, at
the entrance of the English and Bristol channels,
lying almost 10 leagues AV. of the Lands-end, in
Cornwall. Of these only five or six are inhabited.
They are a resort for sea-fowl,and feed many sheep
and rabbits. The inhabitants principally subsist
bv fishing, burning kelp, and acting as pilots.
The chief isle is that of St. Mary, nearly 3 m. long
and 2 broad, which has a good port, is well forti-
fied, and contains more inhabitants than all the
rest put together. In this isle, and in two or three
others, are various antiquities, particularly the re-
mains of a temple of the Druids, and ancient sep-
ulchres. On that of St. Agnes is a light-house,
which, with the gallery, is 51 feet high, and is a
very fine column. At the outermost extremity of
the isle of St. Martin is a seamark, built with rock-
stone, and as conspicuous by day as the light-
house on St. Agnes, but not so high and large.
The Scilly rocks have been fatal to numbers of
ships entering the English channel. One of the
most disastrous events of this kind happened in
1707, when three men of war perished, with ad-
miral sir Cloudesley Shovel and all their crew.
St. Agnes light-house is in Long. 6.19. W., lat.
49,54. N.

Scilly, a group of isles or shoals, in the S. Pa-
cific, discovered by captain Wallis in 1767, and
described as extremely dangerous. Long. 155
30. W., lat. 16. 30. S.

Scio, anciently called Chios, an island of the
Archipelago, near the coast of Natolia, 36 m. long
and 13 broad. It is a mountainous country ; but
fruits of various kinds grow in the fields, such as
oranges, citrons, olives, mulberries, and pomegra-
nates, interspersed with myrtles and jasmines.
The wine of Scio, so celebrated by the ancients,
is still in great esteem; but the island is now
principally distinguished by the profitable culture
of mastich: it has also some trade in silk, cotton,
and figs. Besides the town of the same name, it
contains 68 villages, all inhabited by Greeks;
and those which furnish mastich are the most rich
and populous. In 1822 this island became the
scene of unparalleled barbarity, in consequence of
the Greek population having joined their coun-
trymen in their struggle for liberty. The Turks
landed several thousand men, and massacred all
the men, and the male children above 12 years of
age ; the women and young children were sent
into captivity, and the male children were cir-
cumcised in token of conversion to Mahomedism.
From the 11th of April to the 10th of May the
number of slain amounted to 25,000, and that of
captives to 30,000. Scio is still held by the

Scio, the capital of the above island, and a bish-
op’s see. it is the best built town in the Archi-
pelago ; the houses being commodious, some of
them terraced, and others covered with tiles.
The castle, an old citadel built by the Genoese, is
now in ruins. The harbour is a rendezvous for
ships that go to, or come from Constantinople : it
will contain 80 vessels, is protected by alow mole
and has two light-houses. It stands on the E.
side of the island, 67 m. W. of Smyrna. Long.

26. 2. E., lat. 38. 28. N.

Scioto, a river of Ohio rising in the central part
of the State and flowing southerly into the Ohio
at Portsmouth. The Ohio canal passes along its

Scioto, a county of. Ohio lying on the above
river. Pop. 8,730. Portsmouth is the capital.

Scioto, townships in Ross, Delaware, Picka-
way, Jackson and Madison Cos. Ohio.

Scioto Salt Works, a tract of land reserved by
the United States in Jackson Co. Ohio. 28 m. S.
E. Chillicothe. Considerable salt is made here.

Scipio, ph. Cayuga Co. N. Y. on Cayuga Lake.
174 m. W. Albany. Pop. 2,691. a township of
Meigs Co. Ohio.

Sciro, or Sciros, an island of the Grecian Ar-
chipelago, to the W. of Metelin, 15 m. long and
8 broad. The country is mountainous, but has
no mines. The vines make the beauty of the isl-
and, and the wine is excellent; nor do the natives
want corn or wood. It contains only the village
and convent of St. George, both built on a coni-
cal rock, 10 m. from the harbour of St. George.
Long. 24. 38. E., lat. 38. 54. N.

Scituate, ph. Plymouth Co. Mass. 17 m. S. Bos
ton, on Massachusetts Bay. Pop. 3,740 ; a town
ship of Providence Co. R. I. 12 m. S. W. Provi
deuce. Pop. 6,853.

Sclavonia, a province of Austria,situate between
the rivers Drave and Danube on the N. and the
Save on the S.; bounded on the W. by Croatia,
from which to the conflux of the Save with ttte
Danube it is 150 m. in length, and from 45 to 25
in breadth. A chain of lofty mountains, covered
3 k 2

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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