Senez, a town of France, department of Low- er Alps, seated in a rough barren coi.ntry, 15 m S. S. E. of Digne.
Senftenberg, a town of Prussia, in Lower Lu- satia, with a castle, 35 m. N. N. E. of Meissen.
Senlis, a town of France, department of Oise, sealed on the river Donette, and almost surroun- ed by a forest, 20 m. N. W. of Meaux and 27 N. E. of Paris.
Sennaar, a kingdom of Eastern Africa, bound- ed E. and S. by Abyssinia, Wr. by Darfur, and N. by Dongola and the independent districts of Nu- bia. The Nile flows through this immense plain above a mile broad, full to the very brim, but nev- er overflowing. For several miies from the banks of this river, the soil is of very remarkable fertili- ty ; and at the time of the rains, about the end of August and beginning of September, the country assumes a most delightful appearance, resembling the pleasantest parts of Holland. Soon after the rains cease, the dhourra ripens, the leaves turn yellow and rot, the lakes putrefy, smell, and are full of vermin ; all the beauty disappears, and bare scorched Nubia returns, with all its terrors of poi- sonous winds and moving sands, glowing and ventilated with sultry blasts. The trade consists chief!}7 in exchanging the various productions of interior Africa with those of Egypt and Arabia. The kingdom of Sennaar was founded by a body of Shilluk negroes in 1504. The government is despotic, but the king may lawfully be put to death whenever the chief officers decide that his reigh is no longer a public benefit.
Sennaar, a city of Nubia, and capital of the above kingdom, is 5 m. in circumference, and very populous. The houses are chiefly of one story, with flat roofs ; but the suburbs contain only cottages covered with reeds. The palace is surrounded by high walls, and is a confused heap of buildings. The heats are almost insup- portable in the day-time, except in the rainy season, at which time the air is unwholesome. The commodities are elephants teeth, tamarinds, civet., tobacco, and gold dust. Thereis a market near the palace, whore slaves are sold ; the fe- males sit on one side, and the males on another ; the Egyptians buy great numbers of them every year. The merchandise required here consists of spices, paper, brass, hardware, glass beads, and a black drug which is used to colour the eye- brows. The women of quality have slight gar- ments of silk, and wear rings of various metals on their hair, arms, legs, ears, and fingers. Women of a low rank, and girls, have cloths wrapped round them from the waist to the knees. The men go almost naked. Sennaar is seated on an eminence, near the river Nile. Lon*. 33. 0. E., lat. 13. 4. N. ot
Sens, a town of France, department of Yonne, and an archbishops see, with a handsome Gothic cathedral. Several ecclesiastical councils have been held here; in that of 1140 the well known Abelard was condemned. Sens was ta- ken by the allies in 1814, but soon after evacua- ted. It is seated in a fertile country, at the con- flux of the Vanne with the Yonne, 25 m. N. of Auxerre and 80 S. E. of Pais. Long. 3. 17. E., lat. 48. 12 N.
Sepulveda, a town of Spain, in Old Castile, 30 m. N. E. of Segovia. |
Sera, or Sira, a town of Hindoostan, in My- sore, with a stone fort of a good size. It is the principal place in the central division of the rajah s dominions N. of the Cavery and carries on a considerable inland commerce. The whole of the cloth made here is used in the neighbour- hood. Since the restoration of the rajah, in 1799, the fort has been garrisoned by British troops 48 m. S. E. of Chitteldroog, 48 N. of Scrringapa tarn. Long. 76. 53. E., lat. 13. 36. N.
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Serai, a town of European Turkey, capital of Bosnia, and the see of a Catholic bishop, appoint- ed by the king of Hungary. It is a large com- mercial place, and is seated on the river Bcsna 130 m. W. S- W. of Belgrade. Long. 19. 15. E., lat. 44. 14. N.
Serampore, a town of Bengal, belonging to the Danes. The houses are of brick, plastered with mortar, and have flat roofs, with balconies and Venetian windows. The inhabitants carry on some trade with Europe, China, &c. But the town is principally distinguished as the early seat of the Baptist mission in India, and as the resi- dence of British subjects who take refuge here from their creditors. It is seated on the WL bank of the Hooghly. 12 m. N. of Calcutta.
Scrdobol, a town of Russia, in the government of Wiburg, on the lake Ladoga, 60 m. N. N. E. of Wiburg.
Sered, or Szsered, a town of Hungary, on the river Waag, 30 m. E. N. E. of Presburg.
Serfo, or Serf ante, an island of the Grecian Archipelago, 8 m. long and 5 broad, and full of mountains and rocks, in which are mines of iron and loadstone. The inhabitants are all Greeks, and have but one town, called St. Nicholo,' which is a poor place. 50 m. N. W. of Naxaia. Lon*. 25.10. E., lat. 37. 19. N.
Scrgag, a town of Russia, in the government of Niznei Novogorod, 48 m. S. E. of Niznei No- vogorod.
Sergippe, a province on the coast of Brazil to the S. of Pernambuco. It produces sugar and tobacco in considerable quantities and has some silver mines.
Sergippe, a sea-port of Brazil, capital of the above province, seated at the mouth of the Ser xe2x80xa2 gippe, 120 m. N. E. of St. Salvador. Long. 37.
44. W., lat. 12. 10. S.
Serignan, a town of France, department of He- rault, at the mouth of the Ombre, in the gulf of Lions, 8 m. S. E. of Beziers.
Serinagur, or Guwal, a province of Hindoostan, situated chiefly between 30. and 32. of N. lat. and between 77. and 79. of E. long. It is estimated at 140 m. in length by 60 in breadth ; and is govern- ed by a rajah, under the protection of the British.
Serinagur, the capital of the above province, is about three quarters of a mile long, the houses built of rough stone and mud, and covered with slate, but seldom more than two stories high. The streets are narrow and dirty, but there are some good shops. It is situate in a valley on the river Alcanauda, which is crossed by a bridge of ropes. On the opposite side of the river, at the village of Ranihut, is a temple sacred to Raja Ishwara, principally inhabited by dancing women, whose lives are devoted to prostitution as a religious service ! Serinagur is 38 m. from Hard war. Lon*. 79. 18. E., lat. 30. 11. N.
Seringapatam, a city of Hindoostan, the modern capital of Mysore, is situate in an island, 3 m. long, and 1 broad, formed by the Cavery, which is here a large and rapid river, with a wide and rocky channel. The streets are narrow and confused, and the generality of the houses mean. The city is strongly fortified; notwithstanding which, lord Cornw7allis, in 1792, here compelled |