Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 702
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SUM    702    SUN

its weight in gold. Of birds there is a greater va-
riety than of beasts. The coo-ow, or Sumatran
pheasant, is a bird of uncommon beauty. Here
are storks of a prodigious size, parrots, dung-hill
fowls, ducks, the largest cocks in tbe world, wood
pigeons, doves, and a great variety of small birds,
remarkable for the beauty of their colours. The
reptiles are lizards flying lizards, and camelions.
The islands swarms with insects, and their varie-
ties are no less extraordinary than their numbers.
Rice is the only grain that grows in the country.
Here are sugar-canes, beans, peas, radishes, yams,
potatoes, pumpkins, and several kinds of potherbs
unknown to Europe ; and also most of the fruits
to be met with in other parts of the E. Indies, in
the greatest perfection. Indigo, saltpetre, sulphur,
arsenic,brazil-wood, two species of the bread-fruit
tree, pepper, cassia, camphire, benjamin, coffee,
and cotton, are likewise the produce of this island.
Here also are the cabbage-tree and silk cotton
tree ; and the forests contain a great variety of
valuable species of wood, as ebony pine, sandal,
eagle or aloes, teak, machineel, and iron wood,
and also the banyan tree. Bees’ wax is a com-
modity of great importance here ; and there are
likewise the edible birds’ nests. Gold, tin, iron,
copper, and lead, are found in the country; and
the first is as plentiful here as in any part of Asia.
Sumatra is divided into many petty kingdoms,
the chief of which are Acheen, Indrapore, Palim-
ban, and Jambi. The English and Dutch have
factories on this island; the principal one of the
former being fort Marlborough, at Bencoolen,
where, as also at the Dutch settlement of Pedang,
Christian missionaries have been for some time

Sumbowa, an island in the Eastern seas, about
200 m. long and 40 broad. It is divided into the
districts of Beema, Dompoo, Tambora, Sangur,
Pekat, and Sumbawa, all governed by their re-
spective chiefs. The island furnishes sappan
wood, rice, horses, saltpetre, sulphur, wax, birds’
nests, tobacco, &c., though but little trade is at
present carried on. In the W., part of the island
is a town of the same name, with a good

Sumbhoonant, a town of Hindoostan, in the
province of Nepaul, with a celebrated temple,
which is annually visited by an immense num-
ber of pilgrims from Bootan and Thibet. Long.
85. 38. E., lat. 27. 33. N.

Sumbul, a town of Hindoostan, in a territory of
its name, lying E. of Dehli, subject to the nabob
of Oude. 52 m. W. N. W. of Bereilly and 75 E.
of Dehli.

Sumbulpour or Sumelpour, a town of Hindoos-
tan, in a district of its name, in the province of
Orrissa, 144 miles W. N. W. of Cattack and 280
W. of Calcutta. Long. 83. 40. E., lat. 21. 25.

Sumeh, atcrwn of Asiatic Turkey, in Natolia,

14. m. E. of Pergamo.

Sumerein, a town of Hungary, in the island of
Schut, 16xe2x80x98miles S. S. E. of Presburg.

Sum.manytoum, p.v. Montgomery Co. Pa. 35 m.
N. W. Philad.

Swmmei-liioum, a town of Birmah, the inhabi-
tants of which are chiefly employed in the man-
ufactures of saltpetre and gunpowder. It is
seated on the Irrawaddy, 68 miles S. by W. of

Sumerfield, p.v. Guilford Co. N. C.

Sum'ad, ph. Schoharie Co. N. Y. 33 m. S. W.
Albany. Pop. 1,733.






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Summitsville, p.v. Sullivan Co. N. Y.

Sumner, a county of W. Tennessee. Pop,
20,606. Gallatin is the capital; p.v. Oxford Co
Me. Pop. 1,099.

Sumter, a district of S. Carolina. Pop. 28,278
Sumterville the capital is 100 m. N. W. Charles

Sunapee, a lake of New Hampshire 11 miles
in length, in Ilillisborough and Cheshire Cos. Its
waters pass through Sugar River into the Con-

Sunbury, ph. NorthumberlandCo Pa ; ph. Liber
ty Co. Geo. 45 m. S. E. Savannah, on Newport
river which here forms a tolerable harbour. It. is
a port of entry; ph. Gates Co. N. C ; ph. Del-
aware and Berkshire Cos. Ohio.

Sunart, Loch, an inlet of the sea, on the W.
coast of Scotland, which extends 20 miles E. into
the county of Argyle, from the N. end of the
island of Mull.

Sunda Islands, islands in the S. E. part of the
Indian Ocean. The chief of them are Borneo,
Sumatra, and Java ; the two latter separated by
a channel called the Strait of Sunda.

Sunderbunds, a tract of country in Bengal
consisting of that part of the delta of the Ganges
which borders on the sea. In extent it is equal
to the principality of Wales. It is completely
enveloped in wood, infested with tigers, and
composed of labyrinth of rivers and creeks, all
of which are of salt, except those that immedi-
atejy communicate with the principal arm of
the Ganges. Here salt, in quantities equal to the
whole consumption of Bengal and its dependan
cies, is made and transported with equal facility;
and here also is found an inexhaustible store of
timber for boat-building.

Sunderburg, a town of Denmark, in the island
of Alsen, with a castle. It is seated on a strait
called Sunderburg Sound, 12 miles E. of Flans-
burg. Long. 10. 0. E., lat. 54. 51. N.

Sunderdoo, a fortified island and sea-port of
Hindoostan, in Concan, .reduced by commodore
James in 1756. It is 36 miles N. N. W. of Goa.
Long. 73. 20. E., lat. 16. 3. N.

Sunderland, a sea-port in the county of Dur-
ham, Eng. For the exportation of coal, it is next
in consequence to Newcastle. Its port, at the
mouth of the Wear, will admit vessels of 400
tons; the entrance is defended by a battery, and
a pier, on which is a lighthouse. Here are sever-
al small dockyards, manufactures of salt, glass,
copperas, and earthenware, and a trade in lime,
grindstone, and other articles. Sunderland is much
frequented during the bathing seasons, and the
neighbourhood for several miles round is enrich-
ed by many elegant seats and mansions. The
pestilential cholera first appeared in England at
this place at the latter part of 1831. It is situate
on the river Wear, over which is a magnificent
iron bridge of one immense arch, which will ad
mit ships of 200 tons burdenho sail under it, 13
miles N. E. of Durham ana 269 m. N. by W. of

Sunderland, ph. Franklin Co. Mass. 90 m. W.
Boston, with manufactures of cotton. Pop. 666 ;
ph. Bennington Co. Vt. 15 m. N. E. Bennington.
Pop. 463.

Sundi, a province of Congo, which lies along
the river Zaire. Its rivers renders it extremely
fertile, and in the mountains are mines of sever-
al metals. The capital is of the same name Long.

17. 55. E., lat. 4. 50. N.

Sundswald, a sea-port of Sweden, and the cap


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