Nova Scotia < Canada

Book & Page
Main Entry
Brookes’ page 032 LeftNorth AmericaMentioned North America
Brookes’ page 042 LeftAnnapolis < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 132 RightNew Brunswick < CanadaMentioned New Brunswick < Canada
Brookes’ page 159 RightGut of CansoMentioned Gut of Canso
Brookes’ page 159 RightCanco < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 161 RightCape BretonMentioned Cape Breton
Brookes’ page 186 LeftChebucto Bay < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 186 LeftChedabucto Bay < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 225 LeftCornwallis < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 235 LeftCumberland < Cumberland County < British AmericaMentioned Cumberland < Cumberland County < British America
Brookes’ page 317 RightFundy (Bay)Mentioned Fundy (Bay)
Brookes’ page 341 LeftGrand Manan (Island) < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 362 LeftHalifax < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 410 RightSt. John (Island)Mentioned St. John (Island)
Brookes’ page 438 RightGulf of St. LawrenceMentioned Gulf of St. Lawrence
Brookes’ page 452 LeftLiverpool < Queen’s County < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 465 RightLunenburg County < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 469 RightMadawaska RiverMentioned Madawaska River
Brookes’ page 552 LeftNorthumberland StraitMentioned Northumberland Strait
Brookes’ page 555 LeftNova Scotia < CanadaMain Entry
Brookes’ page 555 RightNova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 674 RightShelburne < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Brookes’ page 679 LeftSierra Leone < Guinea < AfricaMentioned Sierra Leone < Guinea < Africa
Brookes’ page 735 LeftTruro < Halifax County < Nova Scotia < CanadaOther Listing
Hayward’s N.E. page 159Bay of FundyMentioned Bay of Fundy
Hayward’s N.E. page 238Maine < United States of AmericaMentioned Maine < United States of America