It lies 13 miles S. of Newport, and 44 W. of Concord.
Adams, Mass.
Berkshire co, This is a flourish- ing agricultural and manufacturing township, comprising two villages, north and south, whose trade goes to New York. It is 40 miles E. of Troy, N. Y., 120 W. N. W. of Bos- ton, 29 N. of Lenox, and 7 miles S. E. of Williamstown college. The Hoosack river passes through this town, and affords a great water power. There are in this town 19 cotton mills, 4 satinet factories, and 2 calico printing establishments. There are also in this town large machine shops, 4 taneries, 3 air and cupola furnaces, and manufactories of shovels, spades, hoes, forks, chairs and cabinet ware. The total value of the manufactures <of this place in the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $1,045,417.
Between the years 1746 and 1756, this town was the scene of much Indian warfare. Traces- of old Fort .Massachusetts are still found. Saddle Mountain, the summit of which is called Gray lock,the high- est of Massachusetts mountains, lies chiefly in this town, and, although it is 3,600 feet above the level of the sea, is of easy ascent. A view from Gray lock probably gives “ an idea of vastness and even of im- mensity” better than any other landscape in New England, Mt. Washington, In N. H. excepted. The natural bridge on Hudson’s Brook, in this town, is a curiosity worthy the notice of travellers. The waters of this urook have worn a fissure from 30 to 60 feet deep and 30 rods in length, through a body of white marble, or limestone, and formed a bridge of that material, 50 feet above the surface of the water. There is a cavern in this town, 30 feet long, 20 high, and 20 wide. Incorporated 1778. Population 1820 1,836—1830, 2,648—1834, 3,000— and in 1837, 4,191 |
Addison, Me.
Washington co. This town was incorporated in 1797. Population, 1837, 901. It lies 14 miles W. by S. from Machias, and 135 N. from Augusta. Addison lies be- tween Pleasant and Indian rivers, and near the south entrance into Mispecky reach. Jlddison Point, or Cape Split, jutting out into the sea, off which are several small islands, is the principal harbor and place of trade.
Addison County, Vt.,
Middlebury is the chief town. This county is bounded on the N. by Chittenden county; E. by Wash- ington and Orange counties, and a part of Windsor county; S. by Rutland county, and W. by Lake Champlain. It was incorporated in 1787, and contains about 700 square miles. Large quantities of white and beautifully variegated marble, which receives a fine polish, is found in this county, and large quantities of it are quarried and transported to various markets.— This county is admirably well wat- ered by Otter Creek, which rises near its southern boundary, and ex- tends nearly through its centre ;— by Mad and White rivers; and by Lake Champlain, which affords it many navigable privileges. The soil is good, particularly in those towns below the mountains, and bordering the lake and rivers. This countv contains 22 towns. Popu- lation, 1820, 20,469—1830, 24,940. Inhabitants to a square mile, 55.
Addison, Vt.
Addison co. This is supposed to he the first place settled by the whites, in this state, west of the mountains. The town is pleasantly located on the east side of lake Champlain, and nearly opposite to Crown Point, in the state of New- York. At this place the lake is about 3 miles broad. The French, |