is the most elevated county in the state. The Green and Taughkannic Mountains cross it from N. to S.; the average height of which is about 1,200 feet above the level of the sea. The Housatonick and Hoo- sick are its chief rivers. • The for- mer empties into Long Island Sound; the latter into the Hudson: 29 towns; 45 inhabitants to a square mile. “ This county possesses, in rich and inexhaustible abundance, three of the most important articles of the commerce of the world, Iron, Marble and Lime, and its wood and water power are fully sufficient to enable it to fit them for the pur- poses of life.” The tonnage of this county to its marts of trade, princi- pally on the Hudson, amounted, in 1834, to no less than 34,075 tons. At the present time it probably ex- ceeds 40,000 tons. The enterprize of a railroad from Boston to Albany* will soon be accomplished, and can- not fail of being exceedingly benefi- cial, not only to this county, but to the commonwealth at large.
Berkshire, Vt.
Franklin co. Elihu M. Royce, son of Stephen Royce, was the first child born in this town. That event occurred in 1793. On Missisque and Trout rivers, which water this town, is some fine intervale land. Pike river, from Canada, affords Berkshire a great water power. This town lies 50 miles N. W. from Montpelier, 22 N. E. by E. from St. Albans, and 31 N. E. by N. from Burlington. Population, 1830, 1,308. About 3,000 sheep.
Berlin, Me.
Oxford co. This town is hounded E. by Phillips, S. by Weld and W. by Byron. It lies 100 miles N. from Portland, 45 N. W. from Au- gusta, and about 40 N. from Paris. Population, 1837, 470. Wheat crop, same year, 2,175 bushels.
Berlin, N. II. |
Ceos co. This town, from 1771 to 1829,was called Maynesborough. The Androscoggin and Amonoo- suck rivers pass through it. It is about 20 miles E. from Lancaster, and 125 N. from Concord. Popu- lation, 1830, 73.
Berlin, Vt.
This is, a pleasant town in Wash- ington county, watered by Onion and Dog rivers, Stevens’ branch, and a number of ponds, furnishing good mill sites, and excellent fishing. The land is somewhat broken, but of strong soil and good for tillage. Considerable manufactures are pro- duced in this town, and about 6,000 sheep. There is a mineral spring here of little note. First settled in
1786. Population, 1830, 1,664.— Berlin is bounded N. by Montpe- lier and E. by Barre.
Berlin, Mass.
Worcester co. Taken from Bol- ton, in 1784. Population, 1837, 724. It lies 15 miles N. E. from Worcester, 31 W. by N. from Bos- ton, and 7 S. E. from Lancaster. A branch of the Assabet affords this town good water privileges. Large quantities of hops are pro- duced here; some wool, and some baskets.
Berlin, Ct.
Hartford co. Taken from Far- mington, in 1785. Population, 1830, 3,047. This town lies 11 miles S. from Hartford, and 23 N. from New Haven. The surface of Berlin, is hilly, but productive of grass, grain and fruits. There are in the town about 2,000 sheep. The vil- lages of Worthington and JSTem Britain Are very frleasant, and the manufactures of brass, tin and oth- er wares, there pursued, are very extensive and flourishing. The first manufacture of tin tvare in this country was commenced at this- place, in about 4he year 1770, by Edward Patterson, a native of Ire- land. Mr. Patterson peddled his |