Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 51
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roll and ungranted land, S. by Fran-
conia and Lisbon, and N. W. by
Littleton. It is watered by Great
Amonoosuck river. The soil pro-
duces good crops of grass and grain.
There is plenty of pine timber and
sugar maple. Iron ore, both of the
mountain and bog kind, has been oc-
casionally found. ' Two mineral
springs have been discovered.—
Bethlehem was settled in 1790.
It was incorporated Dec. 27, 1799.
Population, 1830, 665.

Bethlehem, Ct.

Litchfield co. This town is 33
miles W. S. WT from Hartford, 32
N. W. by
W. from New Haven,
and 8 S. from Litchfield. It was
taken from Woodbury in 1787. It
is hilly, with a gravelly loam, and
fit for grazing and the growth of
rye. It has 2,000 sheep. Popu-
lation, 1830, 906. The town is wa-
tered by Pomperaug river, a branch
of the Housatonick.

Beverly, Mass.

Essex co. This town lies N.. of
Salem, and is united to it by a bridge
across the North river, built in 1783,
1,500 feet in length. The people
of this town are noted for their en-
terprise in commerce and the fish-
eries. There are some merchant
vessels belonging to this place,
about 50 sail of fishermen, and 20
coasters. The annual value of the
fisheries at Beverly is about $100,-
000. The manufactures, consisting
of Brittania ware, tin and cabinet
wares, chairs, hats, boots, hair, mus-
tard and bricks, amounted in one
year to about $120,000. The pros-
perity of this town has not suffered
by the growth of luxury or excess of
trade ; its fisheries and manufactur-
ing concerns are steady and pro-
gressive. First settled, 1626. In-
corporated, 1688. Population, 1830,
4,079—1837, 4,609. Among many
distinguished men who have lived
and died at Beverly, was Captain
Thomas Lothrop, who commanded
the “ Flower of Essex,” a compa-
ny of young men from this County,
and who were, with their leader,
almost wholly cut off by the In-
dians, at Bloody Brook, in 1675.

Biddefbrd, Me.

York co'. On the S, side of Saco
river, and connected with the town
of Saco by a bridge. The town
extends down the river to the sea,
and includes a point of land called
“Fletcher’s Neck,” off which are
several small islands; on one of
which, Wood Island, is a revolving
light. This is a good township for
agricultural pursuits, the coasting
trade, ship building, and the fish-
ery. It lies 38 miles N. E. from
York, 15 S. W. from Portland, and
69 S. W. from Augusta. First
permanently settled, 1630. Incor-
porated, 1718. Population, 1837',
2,278. See
Saco. <

Billerica, Mass.

Middlesex co. This town is wa-
tered by the Concord and Shaw-
sheen rivers, and has a pleasant vil-
lage, on high ground, near the cen-
tre. Its soil is good and well im-
proved. The Middlesex canal and ;
the Boston and Lowell rail road#pass
through the easterly part of the
town. First settled, 1653. Incor-
porated, 1655. Population, 1837,

1,498. Here are some manufactures
of woolen cloth, boots, leather,
wooden ware, straw bonnets, shav-
ing and splitting knives, bed bind-
ing, soft soap, and spirits. Billerica
lies 18 miles N. W. from Boston,
7 S. S. E. from Lowell, and 7 N. E.
by N. from Concord.

Bingham, Me.

Somerset co. On the eastern
bank of Kennebec river, opposite
to Concord, 26 miles N.from Nor-
ridgewock, 118 N. N. E. from Port-
land, and 55 N. from Augusta. In-
corporated, 1812. Population, 1837,
701. In 1837, 2,548 bushels of
wheat was raised in this town.


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