Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 58
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and receiving basin; thereby producing, at all times, a great hydraulic
power. The cross dam also forms an excellent avenue from the main
dam to Roxbury. Cost, about $700,000. Net receipts in 1834, $6,133.
The proprietors of this avenue claim a perpetual franchise.

Boston Free Bridge, from Sea street to South Boston. Incorporated,
March 4, 1826—completed, 1828. Length, 500—width, 38 feet. Built
by proprietors of lands in the vicinity. City property.

Warren Bridge, leading to Charlestown. Length, 1,390 feet—width,
44. Incorporated March 12, 1828, and opened on the December follow-
ing. It is now state property. The net receipts of this bridge in 1834,
were $16,427.

All the above avenues are lighted with lamps, when necessary, and
make a beautifh^ppearance.

Public Buildings.

Some of those of the most prominent character only can he mentioned.

The City Hall, or “ the Old State House,” on State and Washington
streets, now occupied by the city government, Post-Office, Reading-Room,
&c., is 110 feet in length, 38 in breadth, and 3 stories high. ' Two build-
ings on this spot have been destroyed by fire. The first was huilt in 1659,
the second in 1714, and the present in 1748. Until the erection of the
present State House, this building had ever been used for governmental
purposes, both colonial and state.

Faneuil Hall, or the “ Cradle of Liberty,” in Dock Square, is three
stories high, 100 feet by 80, and was the gift of Peter Faneuil, Esq. to
the town, in 1742. The building was enlarged in 1805, and until the
new Market was bu*lt the low er part of it was used for meat stalls. It is
now improved for stores. The
Hall is 76 feet square, 28 feet high, and
has deep galleries on three sides. It is adorned with superb paintings of
patriots, warriors and statesmen. The third story is improved for armo-

State House. This building is on an open square, on Beacon-street,
fronting the malls and'common. Its foundation is 110 feet above the lev-
el of the sea. It was commence:1 in 1795, and completed and occupied
in 1798. Cost, $133,333. Length, 173 feet—breadth, 61. On the area
of the lower hall stands the beautiful
Statue of Washington, by Chan-
try From the top of the dome on this building, 52 feet in diameter, and
230 feet above the level of the harbor, the whole city appears heneath,
with all its
crooked streets, its extended avenues, its splendid buildings,
and the malls and common, crossed with romantic walks, and shaded by
centurian elms. On the north and west the county of Middlesex pre-
sents its numerous villas, and a rich array of agricultural taste and beau-


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