which ftses in Randolph, after meandering through this town and receiving die waters of Great and Little ponds, meets the tide waters of Boston harbor, at Braintree land- ing, on We^tmouth Fore river, 11 miles from Boston. At this place there is considerable trade in lum- ber and bread stuffs, and some navi- gation is employed in the coasting trade and fisheries.' The manufac- tures of Braintree consist of boots, shoes, cotton and woolen goods, pa- per, leather, nails, axes, cotton ginns, chocolate, ca.Tiaghsy gran- ite, straw bonnets;* tin; vessels. ' The value *<&^Bgge- arti- cles of manufacture, for the year ending April 1, 1887, amounted to $371,937. The value of boots and shoes amounted to $292,383, and gave employment to 850 persons. The Manatiquol affords this town excellent milijjPSte;- some oftsvliich lie near ship^avrgation, and are very valuable. Braintree was in- corporated in 1640. I t li es 19 miles S. by E. from Boston, and 12 S, E. from Dedham. Population, 1830, 1,752; 1837, 2,237.
Erandon, Vt.
This is a flourishing town in Rut- land county, 40' miles S. W. from Montpelier, 16 N. by W. from Rut- land, and 13 S. from Middlebury. It was first settled in 1775, and or- ganized in 1784. Population, 1330, 1,940. Brandon is finely watered by Otter creek, Mill river, and Spring pond ; on which stredms are ' good mill seals. Some of the land is level, with rather a light soil, hut that on Otter creek is the best allu- vial. Bog iron ore, of an excellent quality, is found here ; copperas and marble are also found. There are two curious caverns in this town. The largest contains two apart- ments, each from 16 to 20 feet square. It is entered hy descend- ing from the surface about 20 feet. They are formed of limestone,
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New. Haven co. An imevep township, of strong soil, on Long Inland Sound, about 7 milesE. from New Haven. Thimble islands and Indian islands lie within the limits of the town. Here are fish of va- rious kinds, a small stream of wa- ter, a harbor, and some vessels en- gaged m the .fishery. The town was seftfeji in 1344. Population, 1830, |£332. A beautiful pond, called ©altiSkstaiPs lake, lies be- tf East Haven.
Windham co. This town is situ- ated in the southeasterly quarter of the state and county ; is bounded E. by Connecticut river, S. by Ver- non and Guilford, W. by Marlboro’, and N. by Dummerston. At the #1 El section of the town la the site of the once famous military post; Fort Bummer, nothing of which is now Stained but the name, Bummer .Meadows. At the mouth of Whetstone brook is a commodious landing place for river craft. Brattleborough is connected with Hinsdale and Chesterfield by a handsome covered bridge, span- ning the Connecticut, and terminat- ing at its western abutment in the east village, where the north, the south, the east, and the west lines of mail stages concentrate. The xtown and vicinity are noticed for their salubrious air, pure water, and fine mountain scenery. It is watered on the east by the Connec- ticut, and is intersected by West river, Whetstone brook, and nume- rous smaller streams. There are many sites for water power on the larger streams, unoccupied, and in- viting to enterprize. The east vil- lage is the general business mart for the surrounding towms. Of its own internal business and industry, one instance is given of many of less amount. “The Brattleboro* |