Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 101
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in this part of the state. Chester
lies 16 miles S. S. W. from Wind-
sor, 79 S. from Montpelier, and
about 30 E. N. E. from Manchester.

Chester, Mass.

Hampden co. This is a moun-
tainous township, hut good for graz-
ing. In 1837, it had 3,720 sheep ;
their wool weighed 10,325 pounds,
and sold for §5,818. There are
2 cotton mills in Chester, 3 tanne-
ries, and a window blind factory.
Total amount of manufactures, in
one year, $47,975. Branches of
Westfield river pass through the
town. Incorporated, 1765. Popu-
lation, 1837, 1,290.    115 miles W.

hy S. from Boston, and 20 N. W.
from Springfield.

Chesterfield, X. H.,

Cheshire co., is 11 miles S. W.
from Keene, and 65 S. W. from
Concord. Few towns on Connec-
ticut river have so little intervale
land. For the whole six miles that
it lies upon the river, the hills ap-
proach near the river’s side. There
is much good upland, well adapted
for grazing and the production of
Indian corn. The chief articles
carried to market are beef, pork,
butter and cheese. Cat’s Bane
brook is a stream of great import-
ance, as it furnishes many mill seats.
Spafford’s lake is a beautiful collec-
tion of water, situated about one
mile N. from the meeting-house,
it contains a surface of about 526
acres. It is fed by springs in its
bosom. Its waters are remarkably
clear and pure, its bed being a white
sand. In this lake there is an isl-
and of about six acres, which forms
a delightful retreat. On its E. side
issues a 'stream called Partridge’s
brook, sufficiently large to carry
the machinery of a cotton factory,
saw-mllls, &c. West river moun-
tain lies in this town and Hinsdale.
It is supposed to have been once
subject to a volcanic eruption, and
there is at present a considerable
quantity of lava near its crater. It
is said by those who live neaf the
mountain, that it frequently trem-
bles, and a rumbling noise is heard
in its bowels. Chesterfield has 3
villages. The principal one, lead-
ing from Hartford to Hanover, is sit-
uated near the centre of the town,
and 3 miles E. from Connecticut riv-
er. Here are several dwelling-
houses, the meeting-house and a
flourishing academy, which was
opened Aug. 14, 1794. The first
settlement was made Nov. 25,1761,
on the banks of the Connecticut, by
Moses Smith and William Thomas,
with their families. At that peri-
od, the river afforded abundance of
shad and salmon, and the forests
were well stocked with deer, bears
and other game, so that the inhab-
itants did not experience those pri-
vations so common in new settle-
ments. Population, 1830, 2,040.

Chesterfield, Mass.

Hampshire co. A township of
rough, elevated land, 97 miles W.
from Boston, and 11 W. N. W. from
Northampton; watered by a branch
of Westfield river. It has a good
water power,
1 woolen mill, 2 tan-
neries, some curious minerals, and
a water course, worn very deep
through solid rock. Population,
1837, 1,158. There were sheared
in Chesterfield, in 1837,    7,100

sheep, producing 20,800 pounds of
wool, valued at $12,480. A noble

Chesterville, Me.

Franklin co. Wilson’s stream
passes through this town, and emp-
ties below the falls of Sandy river.
First settled, 1782. Incorporated,
1802. Population, 1837, 1,040.—
This is an excellent township of
land. It yielded, in 1837, 4,046
bushels of wheat. It lies about 24
miles N. E. from Augusta, and
N. E. from Farmington.


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