Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 103
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Franklin county, E. by Washing-
ton county, S. by Addison county,
and W. by Champlain lake. Area,
500 square miles. Population, i820,
16,055; 1S30, 21,765. Population
to a square mile, about 44. A
few settlements commenced in this
county before the revolution, but
they were all abandoned during the
war. Incorporated, 1782. Its soil
varies from rich alluvial meadows
to light and sandy plains. The
beautiful Champlain washing its
western boundary gives it great fa-
cilities for trade to New York and
Canada. Its agricultural and man-
ufacturing products are consider-
able. In 1837 there were in this
county about 80,000 sheep. La-
moille river passes through its N.W.
corner, and Onion river pierces its
centre. These streams, with sever-
al others of smaller size, afford the
county a good water power.

Chittenden, "Vt.

Rutland co. Most of the lands
in this town lie on the Green moun-
tains. Some of the branches of
White river pass through it. Near
the head of the Philadelphia branch,
oo called, is a mineral spring, said
to contain some good qualities.—
Manganese of an excellent quality
is found here. In 1837 there were
in Chittenden about 700 people, and

3,000 sheep. About 12 miles N.
by E. from Rutland, and 40 N. hy
E. from Montpelier.

Claremont, X. H.,

Sullivan co., is 12 miles N.from
8 W. from Newport,
47 N. N. W. from Concord, and 97
.W. N. W. from Portsmouth. This
town is watered by Connecticut and
Sugar rivers, besides numerous
Drooks and rivulets. Claremont is
a fine undulating tract of territory,
covered with a rich gravelly loam,
converted into the best meadows
and pastures. The hills are sloping
acclivities, crowned with elegant
summits. The intervales on the

rivers are rich and luxuriant. The
agricultural products are large and
valuable. The houses and build-
ings present a very favorable ap-
pearance, and indicate the wealth
and prosperity of the town. In this
town are a number of manufacto-
ries of cloth, paper, leather, &c.
Claremont was granted in 1764.—
In this town are fine beds of iron
ore and limestone. It received
its name from the country seat of
Lord Clive, an English general.
The first settlement was made in
1762, by Moses Spaflbrd and David
Lynde. Many eminent men have
resided in this town. The Hon.
. Jeb EHis
came to reside in Clare-
mont about 1S90. In 1804, he was
chosen a member of congress from
this state ; in IS09 and 1810, a mem-
ber of the executive council: in
1812, an elector of president and
vice-president of the U. S. In 1813,
he was appointed judge of the su-
perior court, in which office he re-
mained till his death, May 9, 1816,
aged 49. Population, 1830, 2,526.

Clarenden, Vt.

Rutland co. Otter creek, Mill
and Cold rivers and several brooks
give this town good mill privileges.
Here are good marble, a mineral
spring, and a curious cave. The
soil is a gravelly loam, with con-
siderable alluvial meadow along its
streams. There are some manu-
facturing establishments in Claren-
den, and about 13,000 sheep. Pop-
ulation, ’.830, 1,535. It lies 55 miles
S. from Montpelier, and 7 S. from

Clarkslmrgla, Mass.

Berkshire co. A branch of tioo-
sick river passes through this moun
tainous township. It lies 125 miles
W. by N. from Boston, and 27 N.
by E. from Lenox. Incorpora-
ted, 1798. Population, 1837, 386.
Clarksburgh has a small cotton mill,

5 saw mills, and 255 sheep.


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