Ellington, Ct.
Tolland co. Ellington was taken from East Windsor in 1786, and was that part of East Windsor called the Great .Marsh. The soil is light and dry, but considerably fertile. It is generally level, but the east- ern part is hilly and mountainous. Formerly the lands in this town were held in low estimation, but by the industry of the people in their cultivation they have risen in char- acter and value. “ The scenery in this town embraces considerable va- riety and is uncommonly interesting and beautiful.” The “ Ellington School” for boys, situated in a very neat village, is in high repute. Pop- ulation, 1830,1,455. Ellington lies 12 miles N. E. from Hartford, and is bounded S. E. by Tolland.
Elliot, Me.
York co. This town lies on the N. W. of Kittery of which it con- stituted a part until 1810. It ad- joins Salmon Fall river on the S. W. by which it is separated from New Hampshire—and is bounded N. by South Berwick, and E. by York. It is a good farming town and probably contains as great a proportion of valuable tillage land as any in the county according to its size. Population, 1837, 1,859. Elliot is 108 miles S. W. from Au- gusta.
Elliotsville, Me.
Somerset co. This place
miles from Augusta. East.”
Ellis’ Rivers.
Ellis’ river, in Maine, is a tribu- tary to the Androscoggin. It rises N. of Rumford, in the county of Oxford, and passes through that town. Ellis’ river, in Neio Hamp- shire, rises on the E. side of the White mountains, in several small streams, near the sources of Pea- body river, and separating into two streams which again unite, it falls into the Saco at Bartlett. |
Elllgo Pond, Vt.
This beautiful sheet of water, two iniles in length and half a mile in breadth, lies partly in Craftsbury and partly in Greensborough, Or- leans county. Its northern outlet passes to Black river; its southern to the Lamoille. There are two small islands in the lake. This was a favorite resort for the Indians, and now attracts numerous lovers of fine trout and delightful scenery to its borders.
Ellsworth, Me.
Chief town of Hancock co. This is a pleasant and flourishing town on both sides of Union river, at the head of navigation. The village is principally on the E. side, where there is a good bridge across the river, 3 miles above the entrance of the river into the waters con- nected with Blue Hill bay. The tide rises at the bridge 10 or 12 feet, and Ellsworth possesses an enviable position for maritime and inland trade. The location of the courts for this county was changed from Castine to this place in 1838. The court house is eligibly situated on the W. side of the river. Ellsworth is quite an agricultural township. It has a good soil, and considerable attention is given to the growth of wheat and wool. It lies 81 miles E. by N. from Augusta, and 30 N. E. by E. from Bangor. Population, 1830, 1,385—1837, 2,195.
Ellsworth, N. H.,
Grafton co., is 52 miles N. N.W. from Concord and 20 S. E. from Haverhill. Population, 1830, 234. It is a mountainous tract of territo- ry. The most prominent elevation is Carr’s mountain. A small stream issues from West Branch pond and runs into the Pemigewasset at Campton. The soil, though in some parts sterile, produces wheat, rye |