Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 144
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eral good, and well adapted for graz-
ing or grain. Great and Little Sun-
cook are the only streams deserving
the name of rivers. Here are three
ponds, Chesnut, Round, and Odi-
ome’s. Brown oxide, and sulphu-
ret of iron are found, the latter most
frequently in its decomposed state.
Varieties of quartz, feldspar and
schorl are also found. An alluvial
deposite has been discovered, which
has been ascertained to be terra de
senna; it constitutes a very hand-
some and durable paint for cabinet
work. Epsom was granted May
IS, 1727, to Theodore Atkinson and
others. Like all other frontier
towns, Epsom was exposed, in its
early settlement,to the Indians.

Maj. Andrew M’CnARY,ana-
tive of this town, fell at the battle
of Breed’s Hill, June 17, 1775.
Like the illustrious Roman, he left
his plough on the news of the mas-
sacre at Lexington, and in the ac-
tion when he lost his life displayed
great coolness and bravery.

Errol, IV. H.

Coos co. This town is situated
on the W. of Umbagog lake. It
contains about 35,000 acres,of which
2,500 are water. Several consider-
able streams here unite with the
Androscoggin. Errol was granted
Feb. 28, i.774, to Timothy Ruggles
and others. Population, 1830, 32.
It lies about 30 miles N. N. E. from

Erring, Mass.

Franklin co. This township re-
mained unincorporated until April
17, 1838. Previously it had been
known hy the name of “Erving’s
Grant.” It is bounded S. by Mil-
ler’s and W. by Connecticut rivers.
Erving contains some excellent
land, and a great water power. The
year previous to its incorporation,
the manufactures of the town, con-
sisting of satinet, boots, shoes, palm-
leaf hats, &c., amounted to $35,-
185. Population, 1837, 292. Er-
ving lies 95 miles N. N. W. from
Boston, and 10 E. from Greenfield.

Essex County, Vt*

Guildhall is the county town.
This county i3 bounded N. by Low-
er Canada, W. by the counties of
Orleans and Caledonia, and S. and
E. by Connecticut river. Area
680 square miles. This is consid-
ered the poorest county in the state;
but although much of the land is
hilly and mountainous, there is con-
siderable good soil, and a large por-
tion of it i9 well adapted for grazing.
There were, in 1836, about 8,000
sheep in the county, and a consid-
erable number of beef cattle and
horses were sent to market. The
principal streams are the Nulhegan,
which is exclusively in Essex coun-
ty ;—the Passumpsic, Moose and
Clyde. Incorporated, 1792. Pop-
ulation, 1820* 3,334; 1830, 3,981.
About 6 inhabitants to a square

Essex County, Mass*

Salem, Ipswich, and Newbury-
are the shire towns. This
county is bounded N. W. by Rock-
ingham county, New Hampshire,
S. W. by Middlesex county, E. and
N. E. by the Atlantic ocean, and
S. E. by Massachusetts bay. There
^ is much good land in this county,
: but its surface is rocky and uneven.
It has an extensive sea coast, in-
dented with numerous bays, inlets,
and capacious harbors. It is more
densely populated than any county
of its size in the United States:    it

has great wealth, and its commerce
and fisheries are unrivalled by any
section of country, of its extent, on
the globe. Population, 1820,73,930;
1330,82,887, and in 1837, 93,689*
This county comprises an area of
360 square miles;—the number of
inhabitant? to a square mile is 260.
Essex county, although of stubborn
soil, has many very delightful farms,
and furnishes great quantities of
hay and vegetables for market. It


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