smaller branches, called Little riv- er. Great river has its source in Chester, whence it runs through several towns before it meets the tide water in the centre of Exeter. On this river are many valuable mill privileges.
The Exeter Cotton Manufactur- ing Company commenced opera- tions April 1, 1830. Their princi- pal building is of brick, 175 feet by 45. They have 5,000 spindles, em- ploy 212 girls and 40 men and boys. They manufacture annually about . 1,400,000 yards of sheeting. They consume about 1,200 bales of cot- ton, 300 cords of wood and 22,500 pounds of potatoe starch annually. They have a steam engine, 40 horse power, to operate when the water power fails. This probably con- sumes annually about 150 chaldrons of Sidney coal. The capital invest- ed in lands, buildings, machinery, &c. is about $210,000.
A powder mill has been in ope- ration about two years, and will manufacture from 130 to 150 tons of powder annually.
The manufacture of potatoe starch was commenced in 1S24. The es- tablishment has been twice burnt, but is rebuilt with brick, and starch is now manufactured from wheat as well as from potatoes. The amount of sales of starch and gum is about $10,000 annually.
In the westerly part of the town is a paper mill, which manufactures paper to the value of $20,000 an- nually. The manufacture of books, blank books, &c. in Exeter, is very extensive. About $100,000 value of shoes and boots are made annu- ally, and a large amount of leather. There are also establishments for the manufacture of morocco leath- er, carriages, of various kinds, brushes, tin and pottery wares. The soil of Exeter is in general good, though comprehending every variety, from that of the best quali- ty to the least productive. Like most towns in the state, it is essen- tially agricultural, and the improve- ment in the style of husbandry has been very great. The number of industrious and enterprising me- chanics, to whom Exeter is indebt- ed for her prosperity, is very rapid- ly increasing. See Register. |
Phillips’ academy, in Exeter, was founded by the liberal donations of John Phillips, LL. D.,in 1781, who at his death, in 1795, bequeathed to the institution a large portion of his estate.
Benjamin Abbott, LL. D. has discharged the duties of princi- pal with distinguished ability for more than fifty years. The build- ing stands on a plain, near the cen- tre of the town, and is well provid- ed with accommodations for the different branches of instruction, and a large hall for declamation and the annual exhibitions.
The settlement of Exeter com- menced in 1638, by John Wheel- wright and others,who formed them- selves into a body politic,chose their magistrates, and bound the people to obedience. Their laws were made in popular assemblies; and the com- bination thus entered into subsisted about three years. From 1675 to 1712, Exeter, like most of the early settlements, suffered from the at- tacks of the Indians.
Hon. Samuel Tenney, M. D was an original member of the N. H. Medical Society, its vice pre- sident several years, and a mem- ber of congress in 1800 and 1804.
Gen. Nathaniel Peabody was an original member of the N. H. medical society; was a member of the old congress; a senator of the N. H. legislature in 1792 ; and speaker of the house in 1793.
Hon. Nicholas Gilman was a member of the old congress, and a senator in congress from 1805 to his death in 1814.
Gen. Nathaniel Folsom was a member of the old congress, and a valuable revolutionary officer.
Hon. Jeremiah Smith, a na- |