Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 154
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finely watered by Hemlock brook,
Ponongansett and Moosup rivers.
The surface of the town, in many
parts, is rough and uneven, but the
soil is well calculated for the pro-
ductions of the dairy. In the west-
ern part are extensive forests of val-
uable timber. There are a number
of pleasant villages on the borders
of the numerous streams, most of
which are largely engaged in manu-
facturing operations, particularly of
cotton. Foster was first settled in
1717; incorporated in 1781, and
named in compliment to the Hon.
Theodore Foster, formerly a
senator of the United States. It lies
15 miles W. by S. from Providence,
and 50 E. from Hartford, Ct. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 2,672.

Foxborough, Mass.

Norfolk co. This town was tak-
en from Dorchester in 1773. It is
watered* by Rumford and Cocasset
rivers, branches of the Taunton, on
which are mills of various kinds.
The manufactures of Foxborough
the year ending April 1, 1837,
amounted to $231,136 :—they con-
sisted of cotton and woolen goods,
boots, shoes, leather, iron castings,
straw bonnets, shovels, spades, hoes
and forks. Foxborough lies 24
miles S. S. W. from Boston,15 S. from
Dedham, and 18 E. N. E. from
Providence. R. I. Population, 1830,
1,099; 1837,1,416.

Foxcroft, Me.

Piscataquis co. This town is sit-
uated on the north side of Piscata-
quis river, opposite to Dover. The
soil of the town is capable of pro-
ducing all the varieties common to
the climate. A part of Sebec pond
lies in the north pact of the town.
In 1837, 5,574 bushels of wheat was
raised. This is a fine section of
country for the growth of beef and
wool. Foxcroft was first settled in
1805, and was named in compliment
to the Hon. Joseph E. Foxcroft.
The village, with an academy, is
very pleasantly located on the hank
of the river, and has the appearance
of prosperity. Foxcroft lies 77
miles N. N. E. from Augusta.—
Population, 1830, 677; 1837,907.
Incorporated, 1812.

Fox Islands, Me.

See Vinalhnven.

Framingham, Mass.

Middlesex co. A large and flour-
ishing manufacturing town, with a
fine soil, and pleasant ponds:—20
miles W. S. W. from Boston, and 13
S. S. W. from Concord. The ponds
and Sudbury river give this town a
good water power. The value of
the manufactures, the year ending
April 1, 1837, amounted to $421,-
111. The articles manufactured
were 268,640 yards of woolen cloth,
valued at $311,800; boots, shoes,
leather, hats, paper,($46,000) straw
bonnets, chairs, tin and cabinet
wares. Framingham is a delight-
ful town, and approached by the
rail-road with great ease. It has
become an agreeable resort for fish-
ing, fowling and other rural sports.
Incorporated, 1700. Population, in
1830, 2,313 ; 1837, 2,881.

Francestown, 3V. H.

Hillsborough co. It is 12 miles
N. W. from Amherst, and 27 S. W.
from Concord. The two S. branches
of the Piscataquog rise in this town;
the largest branch from Pleasant
pond, the other from Haunted pond.
The former branch passes near the
village in Francestown. Pleasant
and Haunted ponds are considerable
collections of water. The land is
uneven, and in many parts stony,
but the qualities of the soil are
warm and moist. There are some
small intervales, which are very
productive. About 7,000 sheep
are kept here. The streams of wa-
ter are not large, and almost every
mill is situated on rivers that take
their rise from hills and ponds with-
in the limits of the towp. The


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