Hardwick is a pleasant town, of good soil, with a fine fish pond.
Harmony, Me.
Somerset co. This town has an excellent soil ,and is well watered by a large and beautiful pond, and by other sources of Sebasticook river. In 1837 it had a population of 1,048, and produced 6,836 bushels of wheat. It was incorporated in 1803, and 'lies 53 miles N. by E. from Augusta, and 23 N. E. from Norridgewock.
Harpswell, Me*
Cumberland co. This township comprises a promontory in Casco bay, formerly Merryconeag, and several islands surrounding it, the largest of which is called Sebascod- egan. The waters which enclose this territory are so situated, at the northern and eastern extremity of Casco bay, that a canal of about a mile in length would unite them ■with Kennebec river, near Bath. The soil of Harpswell is very fer- tile, and the location delightful in summer. It is a resort for invalids and parties of pleasure. The peo- ple are principally engaged in farm- ing and fishing. It lies 22 miles N. E. from Portland by water, and 4 miles S. E. from Brunswick. In- corporated, 1758. Population,1837, 1,344.
Harrington, Me.
Washington co. This town is bounded on the S. and E. by the waters of Narraguagus bay, and W. by the river of that name. It has good mill privileges, excellent har- bors, considerable navigation and trade. Incorporated, 1797. Popu- lation, 1830, 1,118; 1837,1,354.— Harrington lies 118 miles E. from Augusta, and 25 W. S. W. from Machias.
Harrison, Me. |
Cumberland co. Crooked river passes the E. side of this town, and the waters of Long pond are its western boundary. This is a good township of land, and produced, in 1837, 3,180 bushels of wheat. In corporated, 1805. Population, 1837,
1,161. Harrison has Otisfield on the E., and is 75 miles W. S. W. from Augusta, and 45 N. W. from Portland.
Hartford, Me.
Oxford co. This excellent town- ship is watered by ponds and small streams, and produced, in 1837, 9,- 318 bushels of wheat. It lies 31 miles W. from Augusta, and 15 N. E. from Paris. Population, 1330,
1,453. Incorporated, 1798.
Hartford, Vt.
Windsor co. This town is on the west side of the Connecticut, and is otherwise finely watered by White and Water^ueechy rivers. It lies 42 miles S. S. E. from Montpelier, and 14 N. from Windsor. First set- tled, 1764. Population, 1830, 2,044. The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is rich, warm, and very productive. The two principal vil- lages are pleasantly located on the banks of the rivers that meet the Connecticut at this place, both of which are flourishing in manufac- tures and trade. Many cattle,beside pork, butter, cheese, &c., are sent to market from Hartford. In 1837 it had 13,207 sheep.
Hartford County, Ct.
Hartford is the chief town. This county is bounded N. by Hampden comity, Mass., E. by Tolland coun- ty, B. by the counties of Middlesex and New Haven, and W. by the county of Litchfield. This is con- sidered the most important and val- uable county in the state, in re- gard to the variety and richness of its soil, and the high state of cul- ture it has attained. It was con- stituted in 1666, since which, Tol- land county and parts of Middle- sex, Windham, Litchfield, and New |