stone has been thrown, which con- nects the two parts of the city. This structure is 100 feet wide, supported by a single arch, 7 feet in thickness at the base, and 3 feet 3 inches at the centre, the chord or span of which i3 104 feet; eleva- vation, from the bed of the river to the top of the arch, 30 feet 9 inch- es. Another bridge, across Con- necticut river, 1,000 feet long, and which cost over $100,000, unites the city with East Hartford. Hartford is very advantageously situated for business, is surrounded by an ex- tensive and wealthy district, and communicates with the towns and villages on the Connecticut above by small steam-boats, two of which, for passengers, ply daily between Hartford and Springfield. The re- mainder are employed in towing flat bottomed boats, of 15 to 30 tons burthen, as far as Wells’ river, 220 miles above the city. The coast- ing trade is very considerable, and there is some foreign trade carried on. A daily line of steam-boats pass between Hartford and New York. The manufactures of this city ex- ceed $900,000 per annum ; among these are various manufactures of tin, copper, and sheet iron; block tin and pewter ware ; printing press- es and ink ; a manufactory of iron machinery ; iron foundries, saddle- ry, carriages, joiners’ tools, paper- hangings, looking-glasses, umbrel- las, stone ware, a brewery, a web manufactory, cabinet furniture, hoots and shoes, hats, clothing for exportation, soap and candles, man- ufactories of machine and other wire cards, operated by dogs, &.c. More than twice as many books, it is stated, are published here, annu- ally, as are manufactured in any other place of equal population in the United States^. |
Tl^e city is w-ell built, and con- tains many elegant public and pri- vate edifices. /The state-house, in which are the public offices of the itate, is surmounted by a cupola, and is a very handsome and spa- cious building. The city hall, built for city purposes, is also spacious and elegant; it has two fronts, with porticos,—supported each by six massive columns. The American Asylum for the deaf and dumb, the Retreat for the insane, and Wash- ington College, are alf beautifully located, in the immediate vicinity of the city. The population with- in the city limits, in September, 1835, was nine thousand and eight hundred.
“ The American Asylum for the education r.nd instruction of deaf and dumb persons, was founded by an association of gentlemen in Hart- ford, Conn., in 1815. Their atten- tion was called to this important charity by a case of deafness in the family of one of their number. An interesting child of the late Dr. Cogswell, who had lost her hearing at the age of two years, ajid her speech soon after, was, under Prov<- idence, the cause of its establish- ment. Her father, ever ready to sympathize with the afflicted, and prompt to relieve human suffering, embraced in his plans for the edu- cation of his own daughter, all who might be similarly unfortunate.— The co-operation of the benevolent was easily secured, and measures were taken to obtain from Europe a knowledge of the difficult art, unknown in this country, of teach- ing written language through the medium of signs, to the deaf and dumb. For this purpose, the Rev. Thothas H. Gallaudet visited Eng- land and Scotland, and applied at the institutions in those countries for instruction in their system ; but meeting with unexpected difficul- ties, he repaired to France, and ob- tained, at the Royal Institution at Paris, those qualifications for an instructor of the deaf and dumb, which a selfish and mistaken poli- cy had refused him in Great Brit- ain. Accompanied by Mr. Laurent |