the Asylum four or five years, in which time an intelligent child will acquire a knowledge of the common operations of arithmetic, of geogra- phy, grammar, history, biography, and of written language, so .as to enable him to understand the Scrip- tures, and books written in a famil- iar style. He will of course be able to converse with others by writing, and to manage his own affairs as a farmer or mechanic. There are workshbps connected with the in- stitution, in which the boys have the opportunity of learning a trade, and many of them, by devoting four hours each day to this object, be- come skillful workmen, and when they leave the Asylum find no dif- ficulty in supporting themselves. The annual charge to each pupil is one hundred dollars.
“ The department of instruction is'under the control of the principal of the institution, who has also a general oversight of the other de- partments. The pupils are distrib- uted into eight or nine classes, the immediate care of which is com- mitted to the same number of as- sistant instructors. When out of school, the pupils are under the care of a steward and matron.â€
Retreat for the Insane. “ This institution is situated on a command- ing, eminence, at the distance of a mile and a quarter, in a southwest- erly direction, from the State House in Hartford. It was opened April 1, 1824. The elevation overlooks an ample range of fertile country, presenting on every side a most in- teresting landscape, adorned with every beauty of rural scenery, that can be found in rich and culti- vated fields, arid meadows of unri- valled verdure ; in extensive groves and picturesque groups of forest, fruit and ornamental trees; and above all, in Hie charming diversi- ty of level, sloping and undulating surfaces, terminating by distant hills, and more distant mountains. |
“ This site was selected as one pre-eminently calculated to attract and engage the attention, and soothe and appease the morbid fancies and feelings of the patient whose fac- ulties are not sunk below or raised above the sphere p£ relations that originally existed. And if he is not beyond the reach of genial sen- sations, connected with external objects, he will undoubtedly feel the conscious evidence that this situa tion most happily' unites the tran- quilizing influence of seclusion and retirement, with the cheering effect of an animated picture of active : life, continually passing in review before his eyes,- while himself is remote, and secure from the annoy- ance of its bustle and noise.
“The edifice for the accommoda- tion of the patients, and those who have the care of them, is construct- ed of unhewn free-stone, covered with a smooth, white, water-proof cement. Its style of architecture is perfectly plain and simple, and interests only by its symmetrical beauty, and perhaps by the idea it impresses of durability and strength, derived from the massy solidity of its materials. Yet notwithstanding these, its general aspect is remark- ably airy and cheerful, from the amplitude of its lights, and the briL liant whiteness of its exterior. The whole building is divided into com- modious and spacious apartments, adapted to various descriptions of cases, according to their sex, nature and disease, habits of life, and the wishes of their friends. The male and female apartments are entire- ly separated, and either sex is com- pletely secluded from the view of the other. Rooms are provided in both male and female apartments for the accommodation of the sick, where they are removed from any annoyance, and can continually re- ceive the kind attentions of their immediate relations and friends. Attached to the building are about seventeen acres of excellent land, |