Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 191
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be made of it, or tbe persons who
carried it awav.’ ”

West Hartford, or, as it was
formerly called,
West Division, is
a fine tract of land. The inhabit-
ants are mostly substantial farmers,
and the general appearance of the
place denotes an unusual share of
equalized wealth and prosperity.

The venerable Nathan Per-
D. D., still continues his la-
bors in the ministry in this place.'
In 1833, his sixtieth anniversary
sermon was published. In that ser-
mon he says, “ I am now the oldest
officiating minister of the gospel in
this state, and, as far as I can learn,
in the United States. And I can-
not learn,from the history of church-
es in Connecticut, that there has
ever been an instance of one of its
ministers preaching for sixty years
uninterruptedly to the same con-

Dr. Perkins stated, as we are in-
formed, that from the commence-
ment of his ministry, that in his
church there had been one thou-
sand deaths and one thousand bap-
tisms—that he had delivered four
thousand written sermons, and three
thousand extemporaneous ones, on
other occasions of worship—-that he
had attended sixty ordinations and
installations, and had preached 20
ordination sermons, twelve of which
had been published by request; that
he had attended one hundred eccle-
siastical councils, to heal difficulties
in the churches, and that he had
fitted for college one hundred and
fifty students, and more than thirty
for the gospel ministry.

Hartland, Me.

Somerset co. This excellent
township is watered on its eastern
boundary by one of the principal
branches of Sebasticoqk river. The
inhabitants are principally engaged
in agricultural pursuits, and the soil
richly rewards them for their indus-
try. Hartland produced 4,836
bushels of wheat in 1837, some
wool and other valuable commodi-
ties. It was incorporated in 1820.
Population, 1837, 890. It lies 42
miles N. by E. from Augusta, and
18 N. E. from Norridgewock.

Ilartlaud, Vt.

Windsor co. Timothy Lull was
the father of this flourishing re-
public. He took his family from
Dummerston, up Connecticut river
about 50 miles, in a log canoe, in
1763. He landed at the mouth of
a beautiful stream, called
His nearest neighbors were
more than 20 miles distant. He
a settlement on Lull’s
Brook, and, after acquiring a hand-
some property, died there at the
age of 81. Timothy Lull, jr., was
the first child born in the town.—
On the occasion of his birth, a mid-
wife was drawn 23 miles on a hand

This is a rich farming town^ pleas-
antly diversified by hiUsVamd val-
leys. Hartland produces many cat-
tle : ten thousand sheep graze in
its pastures. It lies on the west
bank of Connecticut river. Water-
queechy river, at the N. part of the
town, and Lull’s Brook, at the S.,
give it a water ppwer of great val-
ue. .On these streams are neat vil-
lages and flourishing manufactur-
ing establishments. Hartland lies
50 miles S. S. E. from Montpelier
and 9 N. from Windsor. Popula
tion, 1830, 2,503.

Hartland, Ct.

Hartford co. This town is 22
miles N. W. from Hartford. It lies
in a mountainous part of the state :
most of the land is cold and fit only
for grazing. A branch of Farm-
ington river passes through the
town, and forms what i? called
Hartland hollow, a deep ravine,
presenting some bold and pictur-
esque scenery*. Hartland was in-
corporated in 1761. First settled,
1753. Population, 1830, 1,221.


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