there are many fine tracts converted into productive farms. The soil in some parts is rich and fertile—it is generally good. There is at the S. E. section of the town, a flourish- ing village, situated on a spacious street 1 mile in length.
This town was granted Sept. 14, 1758, to 87 proprietors, who held their first meeting at Chester, and as the greater part of the inhabitants belonged to that place, it. was called New Chester; which name it retain- ed until Jan. 1837, when it was changed to the name of Hill, in compliment to the then governor Hill. The first settlement was in 1768.
In Dec. 1820, six children of Mr. William Follansbee were consum- ed in the flames of his house,“wKIET he and his wife were absent. In- corporated, 1778. Population, 1830, 1,090.
Hillgborougli County, N. H.
Amherst is the shire town. Hills- borough has Merrimack county on the N., Rockingham on the E., the state of Massachusetts on the S., and Cheshire county on the W. The surface of this county is gen- erally uneven, though there are but few lofty mountains. Lyndebo- rough mountain, in the township of Lyndeborough, the XJnconoonock, in Goffstown, Crotched, in Frances- town and Society Land, are of con- siderable altitude. |
This section of New Hampshire is well watered. The noble and ma- jestic Merrimack passes its south- eastern border. At Nashup, the Nashua, a beautiful stream from Massachusetts, discharges its wa- ters into the Merrimack. North of the Nashua, the Souhegan and Pis- cataquog,streams of much value and consequence to the manufacturing interests, discharge themselves in- to the Merrimack; the former in the township of Merrimack, the latter in Bedford. Part of a large collection of water, denominated a lake, the Massabesick, on the E. boundary of Manchester. Besides these there are numerous ponds, interspersed through the whole, ex- tent cf territory. Some of the largest of these are Gregg’s pond, in Antrim, Pleasant pond, in Fran- cestown, Babboosuck pond, in Am- herst, and Potanipo, in Brookline. There are several mineral springs which have been found serviceable in cutaneous affections, but no one has yet acquired general celebrity. Minerals have been found in vari- ous places, but not in great abun- dance.
This county possesses many advan- tages for manufacturing establish- ments, and it is gratifying to find that many of its citizens are turn- ing their attention to this branch of national and individual wealth.
The settlement of this county was made at Nashua, lately Dun- stable, some years before the war with king Philip, in 1675. It was constituted a county hy an act of the General Assembly, 19 March, 1771. It received its name from the Earl of Hillsborough, one of the privy council of George III. The population, in 1775, was 13,- 132 ; in 1790, 24,536 ; in 1800, 31,- 260; in 1810, 34,410; in 1820, 35,761; and in 1830, 87,762. In 1837, there were 45,511 sheep in this county.
Hillsborough., X. H.
Hillsborough co. It is 23 miles N. W. from Amherst, 24 W. S. W. from Concord. This town is well watered. Contoocook river passes through the S. E. corner, and affords several excellent water privileges. Hillsborough river has its source from ponds in Washington; runs in a S. E. course through the whole ex- tent of Hillsborough, receiving the outlets of several ponds on the E., and forms a junction with the Con- toocook, on the S. line of this town. The land here is uneven, hntit af- fordgjnaajr goocffarms. There is |