head of the falls of Mascomy riv- er. There are falls in the Connect- icut in this town, which have been Vocked and canalled by a company, called the White River Company. Lyman’s bridge‘connects this town with Hartford, Vt. A medicinal spring has been discovered. A lead mine has been opened, and there has been found on Enfield line, near the outlet of the Great pond, a vein of iron ore.
This, is a place of considerable manufactures, and of extensive trade. Lebanon was granted 1761. It was the first town settled on Con- necticut river to the N. of Charles- town. The first settlers were a hardy, brave people, tenacious of their principles: most of them were men of strong minds, good habits, correct principles, and good com- mon education. Population, 1830, 1,868.
Lebanon, Ct.
New London co. Lebanon lies 30 miles S. E. from Hartford, and 10 N. W. from Norwich. First settled about 1700. Population, in 1830, 2,554. The surface of the town is uneven—moderately Hilly J The soil is of a chocolate color;— a rich deep mould, very fertile, and well adapted for grass. Husbandry is the principal business of the in- habitants. The village is on a street more than a mile in length, wide, pleasant and interesting: it was the residence of the Trumbull fami- ly, celebrated for their genius and patriotism. On the family tomb, in the village, is the following inscrip- tion to the memory of the first gov- ernor Trumbull.
“ Sacred to the memory of Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. who, unaided by birth or powerful connexions, but blessed with a noble and virtuous mind, arrived to the highest station in government. His patriotism and firmness during 50 years employment in public life, and particularly in the very important part he acted in the American Revolution, 18 |
as Governor of Connecticut 5 the faithful page of History will record.
Full of years and honors, rich in be- nevolence, and firm in the faith and hopes of Christianity, he died August 9th, 1785, JEtatis 75.”
This tomb contains the ashes of two
governors, one commissary general,
and a signer of the Declaration of *
Ledyard, Ct.
New London co. This town was taken from Groton in 1836. It was formerly called North Groton. It is 7 miles N. by E. from New Lon- don, and 8 S. from Norwich. There is a pretty village, of some thirty houses, at Gale’s ferry, on the Thames. The population of the town, in 1836, was about 2,000.
About twenty of the Pequot tribe of Indians reside here : a miserable remnant of a great and powerful nation.
This town was named in honor of two brothers, natives of Groton:
Col. Ledyard', the brave defend- er of Groton Heights, in 1781;— and John- Ledyard, the celebra- ted traveler, who died at Cairo, in Egypt, in 1789, aged 38. John Led- yard was probably as distinguished a traveler as can be found on re- cord. “Endowed with an original and comprehensive genius, he be- held with interest, and described with, energy, the scenes and objects around him; and by comparing them with what he had seen in other re- gions of the globe, he was enabled to give his narrative all the varied ef- fect of contrast and resemblance.”
This accurate observer of man- kind pays the following tribute to female character.
“ I have always remarked,” says he, “ that women in all countries are civil and obliging, tender and humane: that they are ever inclin- ed to be gay and cheerful, timo- rous and modest; and that they do not hesitate, like men, to perform |