Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 260
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frames: value, for the year ending
April 1, 1837, $462,525. An ex-
cellent bed of peat has recently
been’discovered. It is 1-4 feet in
depth, and very extensive. The
soil of Methuen is very good, the
village is pleasant, and the scenery
around it, romantic and beautiful.

Mexico, Me.

Oxford co. This town lies on the
north side of Androscoggin river,
and is watered by two of its tribu-
taries. It has a good soil and a good
water power. It lies 47 miles W.
N. W. from Augusta, and 20 N.
from Paris. Incorporated, 1818.
Population, 1S37,447. Wheat crop,
same year, 1,552 bushels.

Middleborougli, Mass.

Plymouth co. This is the Indian
JVamasket ; formerly thickly popu-
lated by the people of that tribe,
and governed by the noted sachem
Tispacan. On the rocks, in this
town, are the prints of naked hands
and feet, supposed to be the work
of the Indians. Here are numer-
ous ponds, several kinds of fish, and
large quantities of iron ore is found
in the ponds. These ponds, of which
Jlssawamset and Long pond are
the largest, empty into Taunton
river, and produce an extensive wa-
ter power

This town lies 34 miles S. by E.
from Boston, 14 S. S. W. from Ply-
mouth, and 10 S. E. from Taunton
Incorporated, 1660. ■ Population,
1837, 5,005. This is probably the
largest town in the state: it is 15
miles in length, and about 9 aver-
age breadth: it has several pleasant
villages. There are 2 cotton mills,
2 forges, an air and cupola furnace,
a nail factory, and manufactures of
leather, shovels, spades, forks,
ploughs, wrought nails, chairs, cab-
inet ware, tacks, straw bonnets, and
various other articles: total value,
in one year, $200,000.

In 1763, Shubael Thompson found
a land turtle, marked on the shell

J. W., 1747. Thompson marked it
and let it go. Elijah Clapp found
it in 1773; William Shaw found it
in 1775; Jonathan Soule found it in
1784; Joseph Soule found it in 1790,
and Zenas Smith, in 1791: each
marked it with his initials. Wheth-
er the
critter is dead or gone to the
west, we have no account.'

Middlcbury, Vt.

Addison co. Chief town. This is
a large and flourishing town on both
sides of Otter creek, 31 miles S. W.
from Montpelier, and 33 S. S. E.
from Burlington. The fathers of
this town werft Col. John Chipman
and the Hon. Gamaliel Painter, who
came here and settled in 1773. The
settlement advanced but slowly un-
til after the revolutionary war; it
then began to increase and is now
one of the most important towns in
the state. In 1791 it became the
shire town of the county, and in
1800 Middlebury colleger was found-
ed. The surface of the town is
generally level. Chipman’s hill,
439 feet above Otter creek, is the
highest elevation. The soil is fer-
tile and productive, and furnishes
large quantities of wool, beef, pork,
butter and cheese. The town is
admirably watered by Otter creek
and Middlebury river. At the falls
on Otter creek, the site of the flour-
ishing village, are extensive manu-
facturing establishments; and large
quantities of white and variega-
ted marble, with which the town
abounds, are sawed and polished
for various uses and transported to
market. Middlebury is a very
beautiful town, and the mart of a
large inland trade. Population, in
1830, 3,468. See

Middlebury River rises in Han-
cock, and passing through Ripton
falls into Otter creek at Middlebury,
This mountain stream is about 14
miles in length, affords a fine wa-
ter power, and is very romantic in
its course. It passes some distance


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