gives employment to many of its people.
Middlesex county contains an area of 342 square miles. Popula- tion, 1820, 22,405; 1830, 24,845, containing a population of 73 in- habitants to a square mile. Con- siderable amounts of the productions of the soil are exported, and in 1837, .there were in the county 12,401 sheep.
/ Middleton, Iff. IT.
St/affotd co. This is a very lev- el township, having no high ground except a part of Moose mountain, Which separates it from Brookfield. There are no rivers nor ponds, and the soil is rocky. It lies 25 miles N. W. from Dover. Middleton was incorporated in 1778. Population, 1830, 562.
Middleton, Mass.
Essex co. A pleasant town on both sides of Ipswich river, 19 miles N. from Boston, and 7 N. W. from Salem. This place contains a large and expensive paper mill. This is the principal manufacturing con- cern in the town. Incorporated, 1728. Population, 1837, 671.
Middletown, Vt.
•Rutland co. This town lies be- tween two mountains, is watered by Poultney river, and has a good soil for grazing. It keeps, among other cattle, about 4,000 sheep. It lies 14 miles S. W. from Rutland. It has a neat and flourishing vil- lage, a woolen factory, marble fac- tory, and other manufactures.— Population, 1830, 919.
Middletown, Ct.
Chief town of Middlesex co.— Middletown City, and port of entry, lies on the W. bank of Con- necticut iriver, 30 miles from its mouth, 15 S. from Hartford, 24 N. E. from New Haven, 35 N. W. from New London. Lat. 41° 34' N., long. 72° 39' W. The city is very pleasantly situated on ground rising gradually from the river. The principal street, called Main street, runs parallel with the river. This and othe.r streets, are inter- sected by cross streets, leading to the river. |
The wharves are commodious for shipping, there being ten feet of water for all vessels that can cross the bar at the month q$ the river.
Two high wharves are appropria- ted for two lines of steam-boats, of a large class, which afford a daily com- munication with the cities of New York and Hartford.
The streets and side-walks are pleasantly shaded with trees, and the side-walks are remarkably well, paved.
The population of the city, is about 3,500; of the town, above
The public edifices are a court- house in the Grecian style oLiareh- itecture, built in 13j^; a'etistom- house handsomely buift'of Chatham .freestone; % banks,'and a savfhgs bank, &.c. The places of public worship in the city, and the princi- pal houses and stores are of brick, many of which are built with great taste.
The Wesleyan University, under the patronage of the Metho- dist Episcopal church, was founded in 1831, and is very rapidly acquir- ing a high standing. It has now 160 students.' Its officers are a president and 5 professors.
The college buildings command an extensive view of the surround- ing country, as well as of the val- ley of the Connecticut, so justly famed for its beauty.
The college library, with those belonging to the societies, comprises about 10,000 volumes. It has ma- ny rare and choice works, an entire set of the Latin Classics, and most of the Greek, a set of the Philosophical Transactions, and all of the most important lat-tr scientific works of |