Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 296
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house, and many others, will nev-
er be forgotten.

How large a part of the United
States is indebted for its prosperity
to the inventive genius of
late a citizen of New
Haven?    â€œ The-commerce, the

business of'the world, has been es-
sentially modified .and increased
through the operation of his princi-
pal invention, the
cotton gin; and
the substantial convenience and en-
joyment' of mankind have, by the
same means, been extended and are
extending, to a degree which no
man can calculate.”

This City of Groves is a very
delightful place: it probably con-
centrates' more charms than any
city of its age and population in the

Newington, N. H.

Rockingham co. The soil is gen-
erally sandy*and unproductive; ex-
cepting near the waters, where it
yields good crops of grain and grass.
At Fox point, in the N. W. part of
the town, Piscataqua . bridge is
thrown over the river to Goat isL
and, and thence to Durham shore.
The bridge was erected, in 1793, is
2,600 feet long, and 40 wide; cost
$65,401. Newington was origin-
ally a part of Portsmouth and Dover,
and.was early settled. It was dis-
annexed, and incorporated in July,

Newington was .among the set-
tlements early exposed to the rava-
ges of the Indians.- In May, 1690,
a party of Indians, under a saga-
more of the name of Hoophood, at-
tacked Fox point, destroyed sever-
al houses, killed 14 persons, and
took 6 prisoners. They were im-
mediately pursued by the inhabit-
ants, who recovered some of the
captives and a part of the plunder,
after a. severe action, in which
Hoophood was wounded.

Newington is 42 miles E. S. E.
from Concord, and 5 W. from Ports-
mouth. Population, 1830, 549.

New Ipswich, N. H.

Hillsborough co. This town is
50 miles S. S. W. from Concord, 70
W. S. W. from Portsmouth, and 50
N. W. by
W. from Boston. The
town is watered by many rivulets,
but principally by the Souhegan
river, which is formed by the junc-
tion of. two streams; the W. issu-
ing from a small pond on the Pas-
ture mountain, so called ; the S.
from two ponds in Ashburnham,
Mass., near the base of Watatick
hill. Over this river is a stone
bridge,built in 1817. It is 156 feet
long, 22 feet-wide and 42 feet high,
resting on a single arch* of split
stone ; cost $3,500. The first cot-
ton factory in the state was built in
this town, in 1S03. There are now
4 cotton factories, and in other re-
spects New Ipswich has become an
important manufacturing town.—
Pratt’s and Hoar’s ponds contain
about 50 acres eaeh. Here is fine
pasture land, and under cultivation,
Indian corn, rye, oats, barley, pota-
toes, beans, turnips, &c., are pro-
duced in abundance.

•The New Ipswich' academy was
incorporatediune 38, U7&9. Its
funds are largS-:------

The principal village -is in the
centre of the town, in a pleasant
and fertile valley. Many of the
dwelling-houses are of brick, and
are elegant in appearance.

New Ipswich was first settled
prior to 1749, and was incorporated
by charter, Sept. 9, 1762.

The first minister was the Rev.
Stephen Farrar, a native of Lin-
coln, Mass., where he was born
Oct. 22, 1733. He was ordained
Oct. 22, 1760; died June 23, 1809,
aged 71.    *

New Ipswich has produced ma-
ny who have become eminent as
patriots, merchants, and men of
science. Population, 1830, 1,673.

New Limerick, Me.

Washington co. In 1837, this


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