Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 304
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ground; it commands an extensive
prospect, and contains some hand-
some buildings.

The flourishing village of Sandy
is situated about 1 1-2 miles
N. E. of the central part of New-
town, at the foot of a rocky emin-
ence or bluff, from the top of which
is a fine prospect of. the surround-
ing country. A fine mill stream
(the Patatuck) runs in a northerly
course through the village, at the
base of the cliff, which rises almost
perpendicular to the height of 160
feet. Near a cotton factory, at the
northern extremity of the village,
some traces of coal have been dis-
covered. The village contained, in
1S34, 1 cotton, 1 hat, 1 comb and
2 woolen factories. There was also
1 machine shop, and 1 establish-
ment for working brass.

New Vineyard, Me.

Franklin co. This town is wa-
tered by- a branch of Seven Mile
brook. The surface of the town is
uneven, but the soil, generally, is
productive. It produced, in 1837,
7,063 bushels of wheat. Popula-
tion, same year, 870. Incorporat-
ed, 1802. It lies 40 miles N. W.
from Augusta, and 8 N. by E. from

Xobleborough, Me.

Lincoln co. This town lies on
the east side of the upper waters
of Damariscotta river. It is a
place of considerable trade. Many
ships are built here, and a large
number of vessels are employed in
the coasting trade. The soil of the
town is generally good, and consid-
erable attention is paid by the in-
habitants to agricultural pursuits.
It lies 38 miles S. E. from Augusta,
and 11E. from Wiscasset. Popula-
tion, 1837, 1,999. Incor., 1788.

No-Maus-Land, Mass.

Dukes co. A ledge of rocks,
the most southern part of the state.
It lies 7 miles S. from Gay Head.

Norfolk County, Mass.

Chief town, Dedham. This
county is hounded N. E. by Boston
harbor, N. by Suffolk county, W.
by the S; E. corner of .Worcester
county, S. by the N. E. corner of
the state of Rhode' Island, and S.
S. E. and E. by the counties of Bris-
tol and Plymouth. Area, about
400 square miles. Population, in
1820, 36,452 ; in 1830, 41/901; in
1837, 50,399. Taken from Suffolk
county in 1793.

This county has a .maritime coast
on Boston harbor of about 12 miles,
which is indented with many small
bays and navigable rivers. Its sur-
face is uneven, and in some parts
hilly. Its soil is generally strong
and rocky. Much of thedark^col-
ored granite, or sienite,- is found
here. A large part of Norfolk
county, particularly those towns
near Boston, is under a high state
of cultivation, and affords fruits and
vegetables in great abundance.—
The proximity of this county to
the capital gives it many facilities;
and the towns in this, and in tbe
county of Middlesex, that, border
on Boston harbor, may be called tbe
Gardens of Boston. It contains
22 towns, and 126 inhabitants to a
square mile. The Charles, Nepon-
set, and Manatiquot are its chief

In 1837, this county contained
2,054 sheep. The value of the
manufactures in the county, the
year ending April 1, 1837, was
$6,466,010. The value of the
fishery, the same year, was $244,-

Norfolk, Ct.

Litchfield co. The settlement
of Norfolk began in 1744. It lies
35 miles W. N. W. from Hartford,
and 17 N. from Litchfield. Popu-
lation, 1830, 1,485.

This town is elevated and moun-
tainous. The soil is a primitive,
gravelly loam, generally cold and
stony, but has considerable depth,


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