Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 306
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stituting the parish called North
, in Hampton, lies on the sea
coast 50 miles S. E. by E. from
Concord, and 9 S. by W. from Ports-

Little river rises in the low
grounds in the north part of the
town, and after running southeast
one 'or two miles, takes an east
course, falling into the sea between
Little Boar’s head, in this town and
Great Boar’s head, in Hampton.
Winnicut river rises near the cen-
tre of the town, and passes north-
west into Great bay. In 1742, the
town was incorporated. Population,
1830, 767.

Northampton, Mass.

Chief town of Hampshire co. This
is a very beautiful town, delightful-
ly situated on the west bank of Con-
necticut river,* and united to Hadley
by a bridge. Siii
9e the first settle-
ments on the Connecticut basin,
this town has been an important
point of attraction. This was the
third town settled on Connecticut
river in this state. Its Indian name
Nonaiuck. The soil of the
town is alluvial aud its products ex-
uberant. Both before and since the
division of the old county into three,
—this'place has been the seat of jus-
tice. The buildings are-handsome,
and the most important county offi-
ces are
fire proof. A fine stream
passes through the centre of the
'town, possessing a.good waterpow-
er, on which are manufactories and
mills of various kinds.

The manufactures of Northamp-
ton consist of woolen and silk goods,
boots, shoes, leather, paper, brooms,
chairs, iron, tin, and cabinet wares,
&c.; total value the year ending
April 1, 1837, about $350,000. The
manufacture of sewing silk, rib-
bons, &c., is on a large scale, and
the most flourishing establishment
of the kind in this country. In
1837, there were 3750 sheep shear-
ed in the town; the value of the
wool was $7,075.

This place has considerable river
and inland commerce, which will
be increased by the Hampshire and
Hampden canal, which meets the
Connecticut river here and termi-
nates at New Haven.

This town was incorporated, in
1654; population, 1820,2,854, and in
1837,3,576. It is 91 miles W. from
Boston, 67 E. from Albany, 39 N.
from Hartford,22 S.from Greenfield,
17N.byW. from Springfield, and
376 from Washington.

There are many institutions of a
literary and religious character in
this town, and its schools are of the
first order. The country around
the town i^'enchanting-, and those
who visit Mount Holyoke, 830 feet
above the river, on the east side, or
Mount Tom, 1,200 feet above the
river, on the west side, will find
a wonderful variety of landscape
scenery, probably unsurpassed in
beauty by any in the New Eng-
land States.

North Berwick, Me.

York co. This town was incor-
porated in 1831, and was taken from
the east side of Berwick. It com-
prises a fine tract of land; it is well
watered and very pleasant. Popu-
lation, 1837, 1,493. It lies 91 miles
S. W. from Augusta, and 13 N. W.
from York.

Northborough, Mass.

Worcesjpr co. This is a pleasant
farming town, of good soil, and wa-
tered by Assabet river. It was in-
corporated in 1766, and lies 32 miles
W. from Boston, and 10 N. E. from
Worcester. Population, 1830, 994
—1S37, 1,224.

The manufactures of the town
consist of cotton goods, boots, shoes,
leather, children’s wagons, &c.; an-
nual amount about $75,000.

North Branford, Ct.

New Haven co. This town was
incorporated in 1831, and was taken
from Branford. A range of moun-


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