2,000. The surface is uneven, but the soil is generally strong and fer- tile. In 1837,there were 4,546 sheep in the town.
The amount of available water power in St. Johnsbury is. great and valuable, indicating its future im- portance as. a site for large manu- factories. . The Passumpsic river, a considerable stream, which falls into Connecticut river at the foot of Fif- teen M|le Falls, passes through the central part of the town from north to south. Moose and Sleeper’s riv- ers unite With the Passumpsic and afford a succession of excellentmill seats seldom seen so closely com- bined.
On Sleeper’s river is the estab- lishment of E.'and I. Fairbanks, for the manufacture of their improved platform balances, on an extensive scalealso iron works of various kinds, on the other streams.
There are three handsome villa- ges in the town: that called the Plain, is on elevated ground and near the junction of the streams. This town commands the trade of ‘ a considerable portion of country, and these villages, which are neatly built, enjoy an active business.
Salem, Me.
Somerset co. This town is wa- tered by a branch of Seven Mile Brook, and lies 52 miles N. N. W. from Augusta, and 28 N. W. from Norridgewock. Incorporated, 1823. Population, 1837, 496. This is a good farming town; it produced in 1837, 4,216 bushels of wheat.
Salem, N. II.,
Rockingham co., is30 miles.S. from Concord, and 40 S. W. from Portsmouth. Policy pond, partly in tbis town, and partly in Windham, is the largest collection of water: "World’s end pond and Captain pond are in the S. E. and E. parts of the town;, and there are other small ponds. The Spiggot.river, passing from N. to. S. through the town, re- ceives in its course numerous branches, and waters the different portions of the town, furnishing also excellent mill privileges. The soil is generally fertile, and the surface uneven. Salem was incorporated by charter, May 11, 1750. Popula- tion, in 1830, Ij310. |
fcalem, Vt.
Orleans co. This is a township of level surface, and tolerable soil; 50 miles N. N. E. from Montpelier and 10N. E. from Irasburgh. First settled, 1798. .Population, 1830, 230. .Clyde river passes through the N. E. partof the town and apart of the south bay of Memphrema- gog lake lies in the N. W. corner.
Salem, Mass.,
One "of the shire towns in Essex co. This is the oldest and largest seaport but one in old Massachu- setts. Its Indian name was JV'a- vmkeag. It is 14 hides N. N. E. from Boston, and lies in lat. 42° 31' 19" N., and Ion. 70° 54S W. Popu- lation, 1836,15,002. Salem-is near- ly,surrounded hy water, being sit- uated between two inlets of the sea, called the north and south rivers. To the main, and now inhabited part of the town, is attached apeninsular portion of land, called the Neck. This was the first inhabited land, and was formerly used for fishing and other purposes. It ultimately became the property of the town, and was, for a long time, used as a public pasture. In 1816, when the present Alms House was built, a large portion of it was enclosed, and has since heen cultivated as the Alms House farm. The finest and most comprehensive view of Sa- lem may be had from “ Gallows Hill.” Its situation is low, but pleasant' and healthy. Its streets are quite irregular. Essex is the only street which runs through the town and is very angular and crook- ed. Federal and Bridge streets are broad, straight and regular. Ches- |