In 1698, a great fire broke out, and destroyed several dwelling houses. In 1718, the second or east church was built and is still standing. The celebrated Dr. Bent- ley was pastor of this church. He wrote a “ Description of Salem,” which is published in the “ Collec- tions of the Mass. Hist. Society.”
In 1774, General Gage ordered the removal of the general court to Salem. At that time, Boston was a closed port.' The merchants and citizens of Salem called a town meeting, at which, resolutions de- nouncing, in very strong terms, the Boston port bill, were passed unani- mously. The meeting was very full, and a copy of their doings was communicated to their neighbors of Boston. On the 11th of June, when Gov.- Gage was at Salem, an address, numerously signed, was presented to him, which reflects high honor on the sense of justice and patriot- ism of this ancient town. Among other things it said, “ By shutting up the port of Boston, some imag- ine that the course of trade might be turned hither and to our benefit; but nature in the tormation of our harbor forbids our becoming rivals in cdmmerce to that convenient mart. And were it otherwise, we must be dead to every idea of jus- tice—lost to all feelings of humani- ty—could we indulge one thought to seize on wealth and raise our for- tunes on the ruin of our suffering neighbor s.3 3
In 1776, Feb. 26, Col. Leslie, with a British regiment from Bos- ton Castle, landed privately at .Sa- lem and proceeded to the. North bridge, with a view to seize on some military stores beyond it. The cit- izens were, at the time, in meeting ; but Col. Timothy Pickering; with 30 or 40 men, got there in season to raise the draw, and thus prevent Leslie and his regiment from pass- ing further. The British attempted to cross the river in a gondola, but the Americans scuttled the boat. Finally, Col. Leslie proposed that if he should be permitted to pass 30 rods beyond the bridge, he would return. Having been per- mitted, the gallant colonel returned peaceably to Boston. |
During- the revolution, there were about 60 armed vessels fitted out from Salem, manned by 4,000 men; and many unrecorded deeds of high daring and chivalrous adven- ture were performed on the sea by citizens of Salem, during that event- ful period. Indeed, in her naval achievements consists principally the part which Salem bore in the revolutionary struggle.
This seaport has been more known for its East India trade than any other in the United States. The first ship from Salem engaged in this trade was the Grand Turk, owned by E. H. Derby. She was at the Cape of Good Hope in 1784, commanded by Capt. Jonathan In- gersoll, and at Canton in 1786, com- manded hy Ebenezer West. A model of her, completely rigged, is in the Museum. In 1818, there were 53 vessels employed in this trade belonging to Salem, the ton- nage of which was 14,272 tons.
Salem became a city in 1836. Its government consists of a mayor and six aldermen, and twenty-four com- mon council men. Its public schools are nineteen. The number of schol- ars in 1837, was 1,534, and the amount paid for instruction $8,877.
The Jlthenceum was incorporated in 1810. Edward A. Holyoke, William Orne, Nathaniel Silsbee and Samuel Putnam were authoris- ed to call the first meeting of the proprietors. The stock is divided into 90 or 100 shares. Its library contains about 9,000 volumes. The institution, though at present rather private, may ultimately become more public.
The Museum is remarkable for the extent and variety of its natural and artificial curiosities, collected from almost every part of the world. |