others, that the churches should have a public standard or confession of faith, agreeable to which the in- struction of the college should be conducted. Thi.s led to the adop- tion of the Saybrook Platform, after the commencement in.i708.
David Gardiner, was* the Urst white child born in Connecticut. The following was written upon a blank leaf of an old bible, in pos- session of John'G. Gardiner, Esqr., of Gardiner’s Island, N. Y.
“ In the yfear of our Lord, 1635, the 10th of July, came I, Lion Gar- diner and Mary my wife from Wor- den, a town in Holland, where my wife was born, being the daughter of one DirickeWillemson deureant j her mother’s name was Hachir, and her aunt, sister of her mother, was the wife of Wouter Leanerd- son, old burger Muster, dwelling in the hostrade, over, against the Bruserin theUnicorne’s head; her brother’s name was Punce Garret- son, also old burger Muster. We oame from Worden to London, and from thence to New England, and dwelt at Saybrook fort four years— it is at the mouth of Connecticut river—of which I was commander, and there was born unto me a son, named David, 1635, the 29th of April, the first horn in that place, and 1638 a daughter was born, named Mary, 30th of August, and then I went to an island of my own, which I had bought and purchased of the Indians, called by them Mon- chonack, by us IsIe,of Wight, and there was horn another daughter, named Elizabeth, the 14th Septem- ber, 1641, she being the first child of English parents that was born there.”
Saybrook is a very pleasant town, and full of interesting associations.
Saxton’s River, Vt.,
Is formed in Grafton, Windham county, traverses an eastern course about 10 miles, and falls into the Connecticut at Rockingham. It is an excellent mill stream, and derived its name from' a Mr. Sax- ton, who was drowned near its mouth. |
Scantie River, Ct.
See East Windsor.
Scarborough, Me.
Cumberland co. This town lies 105 miles N. E. from Boston, and 60 S, W. from- Augusta. It con- tains 30,634 acres of land, and a population of 2,244.
A part of this town, called Black point, lying upon the sea, was granted by the. council of Plym- outh to Thomas Cammock, in 1631; this was soon after settled, and be- came of considerable importance on the coast in the fisheries and trade. The land is held under that ancient grant at the present day.- Another settlement was early made by a family of Algers, from England, near the centre of the town, and called Duastan corner, which name it still bears. This was wholly de- stroyed in the Indian war of 1675. It was, however, revived.by a de- scendant in the female line, through whom that race is still 'perpetua- ted.
Scarborough is principally an ag- ricultural town, for which purpose it furnishes some rich soil, and has a large quantity of salt marsh.— Ship building, however, continues to be pursued here, although not to the extent it formerly was. Nou- suck river passes through' the’ whole length of the town. Its present name was given to it in 1658, when it submitted to the government of Massachusetts; previously the east- ern. side of the river and Marsh was called Black point, and the western, Blue point, names which are still in familiar use.
This town has the honor of being the birth place of the distinguished statesman Rufus King, and his half brother, William King, the first governor of Maine. |