Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 405
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action in suit, it was his practice
to see the parties or to write to them,
stating the consequences of a legal
process, and advising them to set-
tle their differences between them-
selves. By this mode of procedure
he was instrumental in preventing
many vexatious lawsuits; and was
entitled to the appellation of
He was a member of the
continental congress in the revolu-
tion, and died January 10, 1787.

Hon. Thomas Wallingford,
was born at Bradford, Mass., in
1697. He came to this town in the
early part of his life ; and by a dili-
gent application to business,' from a
small beginning became one of the
richest men in the province.

Ichabod Rollins, was born
in Somersworth in 1721. He was
a judge of probate for the county of
Strafford, and died January 31,
1800. Population, in 1830, 3,090.

Soucook. River, N. II.,

Has its source in three ponds in
the south part of Gilmanton, lying
near each other, called Loon, Rocky
and Shellcamp ponds. It passes
through Loudon, receiving several
branches, and forms the boundary
between Concord and Pembroke,
falling into the Merrimack below
Garvin’s falls.

Souhegan River, N* H.

Originally Souhegenack, the name
of a river in Hillsborough county,
and the former name of Amherst
and Merrimack. The principal
branch of this river originates from
a pond in Ashburnham, Mass. It
passes N. through Ashby, at the
N. W. angle of the county of Mid-
dlesex, into New Ipswich, and
through Mason, Milford, Amherst,
into Merrimack, where it unites
with Merrimack river. In its course
it receives several streams from
Temple, Lyndeborough and Mount
Vernon; and just before it falls into
the Merrimack, receives Babboo-
suck brook, a considerable stream
issuing from Babboosuck pond. See

South Hampton, N. H.,

Rockingham co., is bounded N.
by East Kingston and Kensington,
E. by Seabrook, S. by Amesbury,
Mass., W. by Newtown; and is 50
miles S. E. from Concord, and 18
S. S. W. from Portsmouth.

The surface is generally even,
and the soil of a good quality. Pow-
ow river passes through this town,
affording valuable mill seats. South
Hampton was incorporated in 1742.

Hon. Phillips White, who
was a member of the old congress,
a counsellor in 1792 and 1793, and
for many years judge of probate,
died June 24,1811, aged 82. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 487.

Southampton, Mass.

Hampshire co. Manhan river
waters the town and affords it mill
privileges. The Farmington canal
passes through the eastern part.
Lead in various forms and qualities
is found here, and here is a subter-
raneous passage leading to the lead
mine in Westharapton. There are
some manufactures in the town,
but the people are generally em-
ployed in agricultural pursuits, and
the soil is well adapted to that pur-

Southampton is pleasantly situa-
ted, 9 miles S. W. from Northamp-
ton, and 97 W. by S. from Boston.
Incorporated, 1753. Population,
1837, 1,216.

South Berwick, Me.

York co. This town is situated
on the N. E. side of Salmon Fall
river, 97 miles S. W. from Augusta,
and 10 W. N. W. from York. The
limits of the town have recently
been increased by the addition of a
portion of the territory of York.
It was incorporated in 1814. Pop-
ulation, 1S30, 1,577 ; 1837, 2,342.
The Great Falls on the river at this
place afford an hydraulic power of


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