Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 407
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boats by a canal of about two miles
in length. In this canal is a cut
through solid rock, 40 feet in depth
and 300 feet in length. The hy-
draulic power, at this place, is very
great, having the whole volume of
Connecticut river and some smaller
streams at command for manufac-
turing purposes. Much of the
water power is yet unimproved,
but its local situation is such as to
insure its usefulness as the manu-
facturing interests of New England
increase. There are in South Had-
ley 3 paper and 2 woolen mills,
and manufactures of leather, boots,
shoes, pearl buttons, iron, &c.: to-
tal value, the year ending April 1,
1837, $237,650.

South Hadley lies on the east
side of Connecticut river, 90 miles,
W. from Boston, and 5 S. hy E.
from Northampton. Incorporated
in 1753. Population, 1837, 1,400.

South. Hero, Vt.

Grand Isle co. Lake Champlain
bounds this town on all sides.—
The passage in the lake however, is
very narrow between the towns of
N. and S. Hero. It lies 12 miles
N. W. from Burlington, and 16 S. S.
W. from St. Albans. The lake is
fordable a considerable part of the
year on the Vermont side. This
town was formerly.a part of North
Hero, and was separated from it in
1788. First settled, 1784. Popu-
lation, 1830, 717. South Hero con-
tains an area of about 9,065 acres
of level land qf an excellent soil.
Its basis is limestone. It is suppos-
ed that all the lands of this island
county were once covered by the
waters of tbe lake, as clam shells
are found incorporated with the
rocks in the highest places. The
scenery around these islands is
beautiful. This vicinity was a fa-
vorite resort for. the Indians, as ap-
pears from a large number of their
implements found on the islands.
It seems they manufactured hatch-
ets, spear heads, chisels, arrows,
and a variety of other implements
at this place, from a flint stone not
found in this region, but brought
from a distance. This town fur-
nishes a great abundance of food
for the inhabitants, and some for ex-
portation. .ft feeds about 6,200
sheep. This is a pleasant stopping
place for the angler, the painter or
the geologist.

Southington, Ct.

Hartford co. Southington was
taken from Farmington in 1779.
There are some elevations in the
town, particularly in the eastern
part; but the soil is generally very
good for all kinds of grain and the
pasturage of cattle. It is watered
by the Quinnepiack, and the Far-
mington canal passes through it.
It contains a neat village, 18 miles
S. W. from Hartford and 21 N.
from New Haven. Population,
1830, 1,844.

The inhabitants are generally en-
gaged in agriculture; yet several
kinds of manufactures receive con-
siderable attention. Peck’s patent
for machines for making tin ware,
a most valuable invention, is exclu-
sively owned in this town, and the
business of making them is exten-
sively carried on, by Peck & Co.,
whose manufactory supplies almost
tbe whole of the United States and
the British provinces. The manu-
facture of water cement is very
extensively carried on in this town,
and furnishes asupply for the wants
of the vicinity, and some for distant
markets. There is an establish-
ment for the manufacture of lasts,
which are turned out by a machine :
this is effected by having a model
of the shape wanted, inserted into
the apparatus connected with the
machinery. Besides the above,
there is a brass foundry; and sev-
eral other establishments, for man-
ufacturing various articles, such as
saws of different kinds, tin ware,
combs, spoons, clocks, brushes, &c.,
are in operation, more or less ex-


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