Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 429
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Taunton, Mass.

One. of the chief towns in Bristol
co. This very beautiful town is sit-
uated at the junction of Canoe,
Rumford and Taunton.' rivers, and
possesses an excellent water power.
There is some excellent land in this
town,, and its. proprietors display
much taste in its cultivation. The
business of the place- is, however,
rather in manufactures tbam.agri-
culture. There are 8 cotton mills
and a print works, in the town; also*
a paper mill, 3 nail factories, a forge,
a furnace, and manufactures of
boots, shoes, leather, hats, chairs,
brick, vessels, straw bonnets, and
britannia, stone and cabinet wares:
total value of the manufactures,* the
year ending April 1, 1837, exclu-
sive of cloth printing and iron cast-
ings, $1,425,552. The number of
hands employed, in these manufac-
tures was 1,308. There is some
navigation -owned in this town,
which is employed in the coastw.ise
trade, and domestic fishery.

The manufacture of tbritannia
Wfire at this place, is of retent ori-
gin in this country, and proves sue-,
cessful. The articles manufactur-
ed, are tea sets, casjprs, urns, and
all the varieties of that description
of ware. The quality of the metal,
and-‘beauty oft the polish of ‘this
ware, is said tb equal any import-
ed from “ Britannia.**

The village contains a large num-
ber of handsome pubjic.and private
buildings, tastefully located around
a beautiful enclosure, called “Taun-
ton Green.” This public walk
is ornamented with trees, which
heightens the beauty of this de-
lightful village.

Taunton is 32 ipiles S. from Bos-
ton, 20 E. by N. from Providence,
and 32 N. E. from Newport. A
rail road connects this town with
Boston. Population, 1820, 4,520;
1830,6,042; 1837*7,647.

The settlement <jf this place Com-
menced in 1637. Its principal

founder was Miss Elizabeth Poole
The following is on her grave stone:

u Here rest the remains of Elizabeth    *

Pqole, a native of Old England, of
good family, friends, and prospects,
all which she left in the prime of her
life,’to enjoy the religion of her con-
science, in this distant wilderness ; a
great proprietor of the township, of
Taunton, a chief promoter of its set-
tlement, and its incorporation in 1639
—40; about which time she settled
near this spot, and having employed
the opportunity of her virgin state in
piety, liberality, and sanctity-of man-
ners, died May 21, 1664, aged 65.”

Temiscbuata Lake, Me*

See Madawaska River.

Temple, Me*

Franklin co. This was formerly
a part of Kennebec county. It lies
40 miles N. N. W. from' Augusta,
and is bounded N. by Farmington.

It was incorporated in 1803. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 871. Wheat crop,
same year, 5,79S bushels. *

Temple, N. H.

Hillsborough co. Temple is 12
miles W. by S. 'from Amherst, and
40 S.
S! W. from Concord. The
several streams which empty in-
to Souhegan river at Wilton, rise
among-.-the mountainous tracts on
the W., and generally from sources
within the limits of Temple. This
town is of considerable elevation.

The prospecUtowards the E. and S.
is very extensive, and presents a
rich and diversified scenery. From
the highest point of elevation, in a
clear atmosphere, about 20 meeting
houses may be seen by the naked
eye. The surfaoe is uneven and
pleasant. The soil is tolerably
good. Temple is the easterly part
of what was called
; It was incorporated in 1768.
Population, in 1830,641.

Templeton, Mass.

Worcester co. Several streams,
affording good mill seats, water this


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