Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 432
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and Contains the noted' harbor of
“Holmes* Hole.”. This harbor is
large aind safe, and of a sufficient
depth of water for the largest mer-
chantmen. It is much frequented
by vessels passing through Vine-
yard Sound ; particularly when the
winds are contrary. From this
harbor, across the Sound, to Fal-
mouth, on Cape Cod, is 6 miles.

A number of small vessels belong
to this place, and one of 388 tons
is employed in the whale fishery.

There are some- manufactures of
salt, boots, shoes, leather, and hats ;
and, in 1837, there were 2,655
sheep in the town. .

Tisbury is 77 miles S. S. E. from
Boston, -8 W. from Edgarton, and
23 S. E. from .New Bedford. In-
corporated, 1671. Population, 1837,

Tiverton, R. I.

Newport co. Tiverton is bound-
ed N. and E. by Massachusetts, S.
by Little Compton, and W. by the
eastern passage into Mount Hope
and Narraganset bays. It is con-
nected with Portsmouth, on the isl-
and of Rhode Island, by a stone
bridge at a place called “ How-
land’s Ferry.”.

‘ The surface of the town is varied
by hills and valleys. Its structure
is granite,- and the land, in some
parts, is stony. The soil is princi-
pally a gravelly loam, and capable
of producing good crops. There
are valuable forests of timber in.
the town, and a considerable num-
ber of sheep.

The navigable privileges of Tiv-
erton are of a superior kind ; and
are improved, to some extent, in
the fishery, and foreign and domes-
tic trade. There are large, pbnds
in the town, well supplied with
fish. . These ponds produce a water
power which is applied to the man-
ufacture of cotton and other mate-

This town was attached to Mas-
sachusetts until 1746. It is 24 miles
S. E. from Providence, and 13 N.
E. from Newport Population,
1830, 2,905.

The captor of the British Gener-
’al Prescott, was a-native of Tiver-
ton. pis name was Tak, a slave,
the property of Thomas Sisson, a
wealthy farmer. 44 During the
Revolution, Tak was sent by his
master into the army, to serve as a
substitute foranother_man.who was
drafted. . When Col. Barton took
Gen. Prescott on Long Island, Tak
was one of Col. Barton’s chosen
men; and the one on whom he
most depended. . Having entered
the house where Gen. Pres.co^-
was quartered, Col. Barton, follow--
ed by Tak and two or three others, -
proceeded silently to the door of*
the chamber where General Pres-
cott. was sleeping. The colonel
finding the door fastened, turned
and whispering to Tak, 41 wish
that door opened, General Prescott
taken, and carried by the guard to
the boat, without the least noise or

64 Tak stepped -back two or three
paces, then ’ plunging violently
against the door, burst it open, and
rushed into the middle of the room.
At the same instant General Pres-
cott sprang from hjs bed and seized
his gold watch, hanging upon the
wall. Tak sprang upon him like a
figer, and clasping the general in
his brawny arms, said in a low,
stern voice, 4 One word, and you
area dead man!’ Then hastily
snatching • the general’s cloak and
wrapping it round his body, and at
the same’time telling his compan-
ions to take the rest of his clothes,
he took the- general in his arms, as
if a child, and ran with him by the
guard towards the boat, followed by
Colonel Barton and the rest of his
little company.”

Tak was more than six feet in
height, well proportioned, and re-
markable for his shrewdness, agil-


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