Voluntown is 14 miles E. from Norwich, and is bounded by Rhode Island on the east, and North Ston- ington on the south. Population, in 1830, 1,304. The town is watered by Wood river, a branch of the Pawcatuck, on which are one wool- en and two cotton mills.
Waclxusett Mountain, Mass.
Worcester co. See Princeton.
Wait’s River, Vt.
Orange co. Branches of this river rise in Orange, Topsham, and Washington ; they meet at Brad- ford, and fail into the Connecticut.- This- river, and the streams that compose it, are rather rapid in their course, and furnish many valuable mill privileges. Below the falls, in Bradford, this river is more gen- tle,- and in its course it fertilizes a tract of intervale. Its longest branch is about 20 miles. Its mouth, on the Connecticut, is about 100 feet in width.
Waitsfteld, Vt.
Washington co. Mad river, a small, rapid stream, passes circui- tously through this town, fertilizing the soil, and affording it good mill seats. The uplands are a deep loam, fertile, and productive of all the varieties of a northern climate. Here are fine pastures, and between
5,000 and 6,000 sheep.
There are some manufactures in the town, but the people are gener- ally farmers, and make a good business of it. Good clay for mak- ing earthern ware, iron ore, and rock crystal are found here. This town lies 11 miles S. W. from Mont- pelier, and 30 S. E. from Burling- ton. Population, 1830, 985. |
The settlement of Waitsfield was commenced in 1789, by General Benjamin Wait, from Sudbu- ry, Massachusetts. General Wait entered the service of his country at the. age of 18, and performed much difficult service with grea’ bravery and success. At the age of 25 he had been engaged in forty battles and skirmishes : his clothes were several times perforated with musket balls, but he never received a wound. In 1776, he entered the revolutionary army as captain, and acquired the rank of colonel. Af- ter the war, he was made a briga- dier general of militia, and was high sheriff of the county of Wind- sor seven years. General Wait, having lived to see the town he had planted in its wilderness state, covered with fruitful fields, and peopled by independent yeomen, died in 1822, aged 86 years.
Wakefield, N. H.
Strafford co. This town lies 50 miles N. E. from Concord, and 30 N. by W. from Dover; bounded N. W. by Ossipee and Effingham, E. by Maine, S. E. by Milton, W. by Middleton and Brookfield.
Love well’s pond, in the S. part of the town, is about 700 rods long, 275 wide. Province pond lies between Wakefield and Effingham, and is 450 rods long, 400 wide. Pine river pond is the source of the river of that name flowing N. W. into Os- sipee lake. The principal branch of the Piscataqua has its rise in East pond, between Wakefield and Newfield, Maine. The soil of this town is generally good.
The town was formerly called East-town, and was incorporated in 1774, by its present name.
There are several cotton mills in this town, and various other manu- factures.
Lovewell’s pond, in this town, derived its name from Captain John Lovewell, of Dunstable, who, on the 20th February, 1725, surprised and destroyed a party of Indians encamped on the side of the pond. Robert Macklirv, distinguished for longevity, died here in 1787, at the age of 115. He was born in Scot- land. Population, 1S30, 1,470. |