Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 452
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A part of his brain, was left upon
the rock where he fell. His wife
was very badly wounded, and it was
thought would not recover. A
child oT Daniel Savary, in the same
house, was also killed. In the
house of Robert Savary, several
were much wounded and bruised,
but no lives lost. The houses and
barns and other buildings at this
place were not only levelled with
the foundation, but the materials
and contents were dashed in ten
thousand pieces, and scattered in
every direction. Carts, wagons,
sleighs, ploughs, and sleds which
were' new and strong, (one ox-sled,

I recollect, was entirely new,)
were carried to a considerable dis-
tance—from twenty to sixty rods—
and so broken and shattered as to be
fit only for fuel. Stone walls were
levelled, and rocks, weighing two,
three, or four hundred pounds, were
turned out of their beds, apparent-
ly by the bare force of the wind.
Large logs, also, two feet or more
in diameter, which were bedded in- j
to the ground, and were fifty or sixty
feet long, were not' sufficiently
weighty to retain their location.
In one instance I recollect to have
seen one large log lying upon an-
other in such a condition, that it
was thought by good judges, that
ten yoke of oxen could not have,
moved the lower one from its bed;
but both were removed by the
wind several feet. An elm tree
near where old Mr. Savary fell,
which was one foot at least in di-
ameter, and too strongly rooted to
yield, was twisted like a withe to
the ground, and lay prostrate across
th&path like a wilted weed. Not
an apple or forest tree was left
standing. One barn was seen to be
taken up whoH&f: with its contents
of hay, grafft, &c. After being
carried several rods, it came to
pieces, and flew like feathers in
every direction.

From the neighborhood of the :
Savarys, it passed over another spur 1

of the mountain, and fell with great
violence on the buildings of Peter
Flanders and Joseph True. Their
houses, which were but a few rods
distant, one in Warner, the other in
Salisbury, were utterly demolished.
In Mr. F.’s house were nine per-
sons, two of whom were instantly
killed. Mr. F. and wife were very
badly wounded, but at length re-
covered. In Mr. T.’s house were
7, all of whom were most wonder-
fully preserved, except that 2 chil-
dren, 10 or 12 years old, were bad-
ly burnt by hot bricks, the oven
having been heated and the bread
then in it; one of whom lingered
several weeks in extreme suffer-
ing and then died. The father and
mother of Mrs. T., who lived about
half a mile distant, were visiting
there. They had just left the tea
table. Mr. T. and his father-in-law
went out at the door and saw the
cloud, but thought at first they
were so under the hill it would pass
harmless over them. But they
were soon convinced that its track
was marked with desolation. Mr.
T. just gave an alarm to his family,
then ran under the end of his shop,
which happened to stand beyond
the violence of the wind so as not
to be demolished. His father-in-
law, (Jones,) stood his ground un-
til the wind struck the barn, a few
rods to the northwest of him, and
he saw the fragments of it flying
thick in the air over his head. He
then threw himself flat upon the
ground by a heavy pile of wood.
Instintly a rafter fell endwise close
by him, entering the ground a foot
or two in depth, and immediately
a beam grazed down upon the raf-
ter and lay at his feet. He and
Mr. T. were entirely unharmed.
In a moment they saw, instead of a
new and strong and very comforta.
ble dwelling house, a perfect desola-
tion. Not even a sill remained up-
on its foundation. Even the cellar
stairs, and the hearths, which were
of tiie or brick eight inches square,


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