ough of Waterbury stands, is situa- ted in a valley which is washed by Mad river on the east, and the Nau- gatuck on the west; and in its cen- tral partis about a mile in breadth. The-main street runs east and west; but since the increase of the manu- facturing establishments within the last twelve years, a large share of the new buildings have been erect- ed in their vicinity, which is in the southeast part of the village. On either side of the- village, hills gradually rise to a considerable elevation, presenting to the eye the galleries of an amphithea- tre, the village forming the area. The number of houses is about one hundred and fifty, and the popula- tion fifteen hundred ; which it is calculated has doubled itself dur- ing the last twelve. years; most of the factories having been established within that time. Some of the private dwellings may be called splendid, and a majority of them neat, convenient, with handsome court yards in front.
“Of the articles manufactured In the village, those of gilt buttons and the rolling of brass and copper metals for a great variety of uses, constitute the greatest business. There are three factories of this kind upon an extensive scale, two in the village, and one about two mil~es north, connected with which is a gold refinery. There are like- wise two factories of gilt buttons upon a considerable scale, uncon- nected with rolling mills. One extensive rolling mill connected with the brass wire and tubing manufacture, two satinet factories, one woolen factory, besides a great number of minor establishments, in which buttons of various kinds and other articles are manufactured to a considerable extent. The number of persons in the village, of both sexes, who are employed in the manufacturing establishments, is between six and seven hundred. It is not precisely known what amount is manufactured yearly, but it has been estimated hy good judges to exceed a million of dollars, and is upon the increase. The .route has been surveyed by a prac- tical engineer, for constructing a canal to bring the Naugatuck on to the bank at the west end of the town, which will, when completed, afford a supply of water power, ca- pable of employing as much or more capital than has been already invested.” |
Samuel Hopkins, D. D., the founder of a religious sect, denom- inated Hopkinsians, was born in this town, in X721. He died at Newport, R. I., in 1803. See Reli- gious Creeds, and Statistics.
Dr. Lemuel Hopki-ns, a poet, and an eminent physician, was born in TVaterbury,-in 1750. He died at Hartford, in 1801.
• 'Waterford, Me.
‘ Oxford co. This town is water- ed by a number of beautiful ponds, and Crooked river passes through its northeast bord-er. The surface is generally level and the soil good. It produced in 1837, 5,545 bushels of wheat.
Waterford was incorporated in 1797. It lies 57 miles W. by S. from Augusta, and 10 W; by S. from Paris. Population, in 1837, 1,297.
Waterford, Vt.
Caledonia co. This town was chartered in 1780, by the name of Littleton, which name it retained until 1797. It was first settled in
1787. It lies on the west side of Connecticut river, 32 miles E. N. E. from Montpelier, and 12 E. S. E. from Danville. Population, 1830, 1,358. ‘ The west partof the town is watered by the Passumpsic, and the north border by Moose river. Here is a water power, and some manufactures. A part of the town borders on Fifteen Mile Falls, in. Connecticut river. The banks of |