Walnut "River, which it enters in the S. E. part of Franklin co., after a course of about 35 miles.
Alum Pond Hill, Ms. Situated in the town of Douglas. Height 778 feet.
Amelia Island, Nassau co., Fa., is situated in the N. E. part of the state. It is 15 miles long and 4 wide. Fernandina, a town at the N. W. end, was once the capital of the county, and a flourish- ing place. The land is fertile.
Amite River rises in Mi., and, flowing S. into La., unites with the Ibberville at Galveston, to which it is navigable, and after a course of 100 miles, falls into Lake Maurepas.
Amonoosuck Rivers, Upper and Lower, N. H. The upper river rises N. of the White Mountains, and passing N. E. into Dummer, approaches to within a few miles of the Androscoggin; thence it turns to the S. W., and empties into the Connecti- cut, at Northumberland, after a course of about 50 miles. Its valley, which is of great beauty, extends more than 20 miles in length, and 7 or 8 miles in breadth. The lower river rises on the W. side of the White Mountains, and falls into the Connecti- cut, just above Haverhill, after a course of 50 miles. Two miles from its mouth it receives the Wild Am- onoosuck, a swift, rapid stream about 40 yards in width. The waters of the Amonoosuck are pure, and its current quick. The valley of the lower river is about half a mile in width, and was probably once the bed of a lake. About miles from the Notch of the White Mountains, the river falls 50 feet over a mass of stratified granite.
Anastasia Island, Fa., is situated on the E. coast. It is 18 miles long and about 1J broad. A signal tower on its N. end is in 29° 50' N. lat., 4° 29' W. Ion. from Washington.
Anclote Keys, Fa. These islands lie olf the coast of Eenton co., S. from Helley's Keys.
Ancram, or Roeloff Jansen's Creek, N. Y. This small mill stream rises in Hillsdale, Columbia co., and after a circuitous course enters the Hudson 8 miles below the city of Hudson.
Anderson's River, Ky. It falls into the Ohio, 52 miles above Green River.
Anderson's Creek, la., rises in the W. part of Crawford co., flows S. S. W., separating Spen- cer and Perry counties, and falls into the Ohio River.
Androscoggin or Ameriscoggin River, Me. The Margallavav, its N. branch, receives Dead and Diamond Rivers, in N. H., and unites with the stream flowing from Umbagog Lake, about a mile from its outlet. The river then pursues a S. course until it approaches the White Mountains, and receiving several considerable tributaries, it passes into Me. N. of Mount Moriah. It then flows E. and S. E. through a fertile country, nearly to the sea-coast, and turning N., flows over the falls at Brunswick, near Bowdoin College, into Merrymeeting Bay, uniting with the Kennebec, 20 miles from the sea.
Angelica Creek, Alleghany co., N. Y., rises in the town of West Almond, flows W. through the town of Angelica, where it enters the Genesee.
Angelina River, Ts., flows in a S. S. E. direction, and empties into Neches River.
Ann, Cape, Ms. See Gloucester.
Anneniesic River. Somerset co., Md., rises in the E. part of the county, and flows a little S. of W. into Tangier Sound.
Anno Nuevo Point, Ca., extends into the Pacific at the town of Santa Cruz, and N. from Point Pinos.
Antelope Creek, Ca. A small E. branch of the Rio Sacramento.
Antelope Island, Uh. A large island lying in the S. part of the Great Salt Lake.
Anthony's Nose, or, as more commonly called, the Nose, is situated in the W. part of Mont- gomery co., N. Y., on the N. branch of Mohawk River, and is on the extremity of the hill or moun- tain called the Klips." It slopes towards the river from an elevation of about 500 feet, bearing a great resemblance to a nose some 300 or 400 feet long.
Anthony's or St. Anthony's Nose, N. Y., projects from the S. side of Breakneck Hill, in the town of Phillipstown, on the E. bank of the Hudson. It derives its name from a resemblance to a huge human face, as seen from the river, at the N. en- trance of the Highlands. There is another pro- jection of the same name, but less remarkable, opposite the site of old Fort Montgomery, near the S. entrance of the Highlands, below West Point.
Antietam Creek rises in Washington co., Md., and empties into the Potomac.
Antoine Creek, As., one of the head branches of the Little Missouri River, and the boundary line between Clark and Pike counties.
Apostles' Islands, La Pointe co., Wn. Situated in the W. part of Lake Superior, N. from Chego- wawegon Bay.
Appalachee Bay is a large bay on the coast of Fa., in the Gulf of Mexico. Through this bay is a passage 10 feet deep, which is gradually re- duced to 8, by which St. Marks is reached. It furnishes the best anchorage ground along the coast for the distance of 230 miles.
Appalachian Mountains. See Alleghany Moun- tains.
Appalachicola River, Bay, and St. George's Sound. The river is formed by the union of Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers, which unite in the state of Ga. in lat. 30° 42' N., from which if, proceeds S. 70 miles, to St. George's Sound, and thence to the Gulf of Mexico. Near the mouth of the river it forms a broad estuary, denomi- nated Appalachicola Bay, which connects with St. George's Sound. The latter is partly enclosed by three islands, and is 50 miles in length, and from 4 to 9 wide. Between the islands are three passages into the sound, which have a depth of about 15 feet of water at low tide. The river is navigable for small vessels to the junction of the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. The Chatta- hoochee, the largest branch, is navigable for boats nearly 400 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The whole surface drained by the Appalachicola and its branches is estimated at a little less than
20,000 square miles.
Apple River, Is., crosses the N. W. part of the state, passes through Jo Daviess co., and after a course of 45 miles, falls into the Mississippi, 20 miles below Galena. It is 50 yards wide at its mouth. It is a rocky and rapid stream, furnish- ing many good mill seats.
Apple Creek, Mo., runs on the boundary be- tween Perry and Cape Girardeau co., and falls into the Mississippi at Birmingham.
Apple River, St. Croix co., Wn. It flows S. W. into the St. Croix River.
Appletree River, S. C. A small branch of the Keowe.
Appomattox River, Va. It rises in Prince Ed- ward co., and after flowing E. 120 miles, unites with James River at City Point. It is navigable | |