high lands, mostly covered with water in the win- ter, and beautifully green in the summer. At the E. part is a .beautiful range of elevated land, comprising over 2000 acres, called Beech Hill. No large rivers water the town, though Beaver Creek. Streame's and Hersey's River, and French's Stream afford some good mill privi- leges. A part of Accord Pond is in this town. The soil is strong and good, though rocky; it is better for grazing than tillage. The surface is rough and broken. The meadow land abounds in peat, and some parts of the upland in blue slate. Some bog iron ore is found. The territo- ry of this town is large, and it contains several handsome and growing villages. The original population, strictly of the Pilgrim family, is-rap- idly increasing, many residents in the town doing business in Boston. The Old Colony Railroad passes through the whole length of the town. Distances, about 18 miles from Boston and Plymouth. Manufactures, boots and shoes very extensively, and of iron, particularly of nails, tacks, and brads, made by machinery. The cast- ing of bells was introduced here before the revo- lution, and early in the revolutionary war the casting of shot and cannon.
Abington, Pa., Montgomery co. There is a water power here which operates one or more mills. 100 miles E. from Harrisburg.
Abington, Pa., Wyoming co. On the S. branch of Tunkhannock Creek, 151 miles N. E. from Harrisburg.
Aboite, la., Allen co. 120 miles N. N. E. from Indianapolis.
Accomac County, Va., c. h. at Accomac. On the E. shore of Chesapeake Bay. Bounded N. by Md., S. by Northampton co. It is divided into Accomac and St. George's parishes. It also comprises several islands lying in Chesapeake Bay. Soil sandy.
Accomac, Va., c. h., Accomac co. 193 miles E. by N. from Richmond.
Acquacicanonclc, N. J., Passaic co. On the Pas- saic River, at the head of sloop navigation. Sur- face rolling on the E., and hilly and mountainous on the W.; soil mostly fertile. 13 miles N. W. from New York, and 79 N. E. from Trenton. Manufactures, cotton, leather, and malt liquor.
Acton, Me., York co. An interior town, near the head waters of Salmon River, by which it is divided on the W. from N. H. 15 miles W. from Alfred, 107 S. W. from Augusta.
Acton, Ms., Middlesex co. Watered by a branch of Assabet River, and contains several ponds; the largest of which is Nagog Pond, cov- ering 600 acres, and 47 feet in depth; 21 miles N. W. from Boston. The railroad from Boston to Fitchburg passes through the west village. The centre is pleasant, having a large common, well shaded with trees, and surrounded by neat buildings, and good mowing and tillage land. A monument has lately been erected here, (partly at the expense of the state,) in honor of Isaac Davis, a citizen of the town, the first person killed in the skirmish with the British at Concord Bridge, the commencement of the battle of Lex- ington. Manufactures, boots, shoes, blinds, and sashes.
Acworth, N. H., Sullivan co. On Cold River and Cold Pond. Soil good. Beryls of large size are found here. 13 miles S. from Newport, and 44 W. from Concord.
Ada, Mn., Kent co. At the junction of Grand
and Thorn Apple Rivers. 158 miles N. W. from Detroit.
Adair County, Ky., c. h. at Columbia, South central. Watered by Greene River and its branches. Soil fertile.
Adair County, Mo., c. h. at Hopkinsville, N. . E. part. Watered by Chariton River, which flows S. through it.
Adams, Ms., Berkshire co. A flourishing agri- cultural township, comprising the two villages of North and South Adams. The Hoosack River passes through it, and affords a great water power. There is a valuable quarry of marble. Traces of old Fort Massachusetts are still found. Saddle Mountain, the summit of which is called Gray Lock, the highest of Massachusetts moun- tains, lies chiefly in this town. The natural bridge on Hudson's Brook is a curiosity. The waters have worn a passage from 30 to 60 feet deep, and 30 rods in length, through a body of white marble, or limestone, and formed a bridge of that material, 50 feet above the surface of the water. There are two limestone caves, one of which contains several apartments which have been explored. Manufactures, cottons, woollens, leather, iron, hardware, cabinet wares, marble, &c. A railroad from Pittsfield to this place con- nects with the Western Railroad. 120 m. W. N. W. from Boston, and 40 E. from Troy, N. Y.
Aaams, Mn. A township of Hillsdale co. 93 miles S. W. from Detroit.
Adams, township, Jefferson co., N. Y. Watered by Sandy and Stony Creeks. The surface is slightly uneven, the soil a rich, sandy loam. There is water power on Sandy Creek. The village is 12 miles S. from Watertown, and 162 N. W. from Albany.
Adams's Basin, N. Y., Monroe co. On the Erie Canal, 230 miles W. from Albany.
Adams County, la., c. h. at Decatur. On the E. border, on both sides of the St. Mary's, which passes through its N. E. corner.
Adams County, Is., c. h. at Quincy. On the Mississippi River, which separates it from Mo. Watered by affluents of the Mississippi and Illi- nois Rivers.
Adams County, Mi., c. h. at Natchez. In the S. W. angle, on the Mississippi. Surface some- what hilly, except on the borders of the rivers ; soil mostly fertile.
Adams County, O., c. h. at West Union. The Ohio River divides it from Kentucky. The soil is various, and the land uneven and hilly. Iron ore is found in some ' of the hills along Brush Creek.
Adams County, Pa., S. part, c. h. at Gettys- burg. Uneven, but fertile. Watered by tributa- ries of the Potomac and Susquehanna.
Adams County, Wn. New, central part. The Wisconsin passes through it from N. to S.
Adams's Mills, O., Muskingum co. On the Ohio Canal, 6 miles N. E. from Dresden and 61 E. from Columbus.
A-damsville, O., Muskingum co., is a small town 12 miles E. from Zanesville and 20 W. from Cambridge.
Addison, Me., Washington co. 135 miles E. by N. from Augusta. Addison Point or Cape Split, off which are several islands, is the principal har- bor and place of trade.
Addison, Pa., Somerset co. On the Yioughiog- heny River, 153 miles S. W. from Harrisburg.
Addison County, Yt., c. h. at Middlebury. W | |